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0 | Crossfire has been wanting to publish one more book before packing up and selling Our Publishing Department now that everybody working there is retired. I chose a parody of a USA congress who gets over $250,000 or our money in salary and benefits to do nothing but block anything the opposition does. This was never so obvious as Nasty Pelosi and Chucky Shumer in 2019 so far. They see that they might loose big so they are trying to get 16 year old's to vote and eliminate the Electoral College so the big cities in this country can determine the elections. What chutzpah, and poor losers to want to change the constitution because they lost an election with a person who should have been in jail and not been running for president. But then what do you expect from people who invent Native American heritage to get a job and others who keep secret documents in a non government security server to be reviewed by every hacker worth have a grain of salt. And the beat goes on so I am doing a spoof/parity type | |
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Our MENU reflects the fluctuations in pages names and presence on this website. All the pages in this website are in transition. We are adding, removing or changing page names or content to better present our story to you. If we had a menu on each page at this time we would need a person updating all the pages every time a change is made. Doing the menu in one spot provides us with just one page to alter and upload not 50 or more. We will have the final menu on each page when we are in a stable formation. Thank you for your patience in this matter. |
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Tench Coxe as one of the Founders and started his place in history by being arrested for treason by the Continental Army. To be on the safe side of the block he moved from Philly to where General Howe controlled the area thinking he would not be hung when the confederation was beaten. Well his calculations was wrong and he was arrested by the he was mistakenly captured by the Continental Army, convicted of treason for fighting for England and put into prison. Fortunately for this book keeper in his family counting house he was recognized as not being a loyalist and pardoned. Coxe served as secretary of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, of which Benjamin Franklin was president. In 1786, Coxe represented Pennsylvania by serving as the secretary for the Annapolis Convention, the effort to revise the Articles of Confederation, which set the stage for the constitutional convention the following year. Coxe also was appointed to represent Pennsylvania in the Continental Congress. Firearms were among the many commodities dealt in for many years by the firm of Coxe & Frazie Tench 's family counting house. He must have been somewhat affected by General Gage confiscating all the guns from the citizens of Boston in 1775 followed by General Howe doing the same in Philadelphia in 1778. He was very firm supporter of the Second Amendment. Whereas all Socialist/fascist/communist countries follow Gage and Howe disarming of the public before the takeover. Then comes the secret police, teaching children to spy on family and neighbors and generally eliminate free speech not in perfect line with whatever the state wants making the chances for regaining freedom impossible without the mercy of God. His writings and knowledge of economics, made him essentially the first economist of our country and his writings helped in the formation of the constitution and is used today by the lawyers defending the rights of all citizens to keep and bare arms. His arguments on the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights and others amendment are all published on the internet and anyone who wants a clear argument on the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights should read some of them. I do not know if the anti-gun crowd of socialists, communists and fascists are ignorant of them or want to take over the country by force when we have no guns. The only thing protecting their right to speak is the First Amendment. What logic they have or never had to see that when the Second is gone First and the rest goes with it. His works, if a militia applies only to a standing army of the states it would contradict the states from having standing armies. Thus saying the words in the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights about a militia are not intended to apply to each of the states maintaining an army but the citizens maintaining their arms. “We the People ” are told by the Utopian (not so amusing) buffoons we have elected our safety requires we must give up our guns. The schools would rather have more killings to reinforce gun confiscations than having retired armed police in the schools to protect what is called a gun free school. What is the motive for that? We have them to protect our kids in support of what the police can provide. How can our first Responders and normal public services(over stretched due to budget cuts because the money goes to pay for teachers indoctrinating the children as they teach subjects they have no degrees in, bureaucracies that hopefully only know nothing about what the regulate and are not being rewarded for the shutdowns of our use of our own lumber, solar panels, windmills, fish, and steel.) Out local governments are using European standards to impose more expensive housing for us. Our forests are burned to the ground with the lose of life and lumber because some group says what the fires killed was endangered and not it is gone because of the lumbering ban. Our Uranium is sold to countries while we have to import it form another countries. Our fish is protected from our fishermen and yet harvested by others to sell it to us. We have to borrow money to give to other countries and for what in return. Our borrowed money gives support to the very nations who want to hurt us. The people never see it but they upper class of the ruling party have more to spend on themselves. People now see we are energy independent so we must shut down all oil, coal and natural gas usage and buy our energy equipment from outside the US to replace the use of our own resources.But what is most important is to remove the guns from the retired military and all citizens not on the a list of the Socialist party. Next year it could be the swing to the fascist party. The push to remove our only defense against a runaway takeover of our lives is down to what Tench says he and his friends (our Founding Fathers) wrote our Constitution for. The three federalist and Tench were the writers who explained the in tensions of the constitution and the necessity and reasons for the Bill of Rights.
The Euro-centered Utopian we give our vote to have security unavailable to us. Sometimes armed body guards, guarded communities, apartments with door men, live in places where crime is prevented because of being a better patrolled neighborhood to live in. “We the People ” have to live on the streets of the real world where there are no guards, no secure buildings no doormen and gangs that are invited in with our open borders living next door. The cities with the tightest gun control seem to have the most murders. Could it be the dunce in the room is the city manager who disarms the good and forgets to take the guns from the criminal. The city's managers of the high crime and murder rate cities should be put in jail not reelected over and over again should be put in jail, not reelected by the very people that are the victims. I have carries concealed for over 50 years and never has anyone seen my pistol except at the practice range. My carry permits were from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Utah and now Arizona. Law abiding citizens do not cause crime they reduce it when the criminal does not know what to expect. Some people here will open carry but I think that that give the criminal an edge. It is different out in the desert it is nice to have a open revolver that is easy access and full of birds shot to correct for that mis-placed foot. Why do we send people to represent us when they seem, by the money they accumulated in office (in a short amount of time) to be working for more than us. Where do these environmentalist get to fly around in private jets and tell us we should not drive our cars. They have made money form Global Ice Age Predictions, Ozone Layer Predictions, Global Warming and not it is Climate Change. When one computer climate prediction model after another are seen using false data, programmers bias sensor lolcat ions and a general lack of appreciation of appreciation of the awesome power of our planet to recover from all these predictions that make them rich and families loose jobs. China wants into our lumber industry what is the solution? Have a group of people ready to fight for the preservation of some insect or whatever and shut down the lumber industry here. And what happens: The fires rage due to forest mismanagement, the whatever is burned to a crisp, families loose jobs and China gets to ship lumber here. There was a big energy saving light bulb that electric companies gave out fro free. Congress mandated them, but they had mercury in them and if you read the laws of this wonderful EPA bureaucracy you would have to call a has mat team to clean up a broken one. They also mandated reductions in hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide from exhausts with catalytic converters. No problem except the did not consider the products that were manufactured in the converters. Just do not put them on the test list was the answer and what do we live with now is a poor maintained engine used to put out sulfuric acid but I have not been in the automotive research industry for over fret years to know if that is still true but you sure can smell something like sulfuric acid from some of the cars in front of you when the take off from a stoplight. In Oxford, England they had large parking lots and cars were generally banned from some of the street inside the city. The first time I parked in one of these2 lots I thought it was fine but it took twenty minutes to get out as per design to punish anyone who would not ride the bus and owned a car. From where we lived for some time in a suburb of oxford we could easily walk to the bus stop and get into Oxford but that was one fair for every person you had with you. It was expensive. A taxi was one fair for the ride and with even two people it was faster, cheaper and more efficient that the bus. Where is the logic in open borders unless you either want to have more power for letting these people in to vote for you and damn the extreme burden on the American taxpayer who is about supporting another family now with the taxes on income, property, death. And we just elected socialists again who thing we need to pay more. Have the Russian mind twisters got that much into the brains of the public school kids that goes beyond getting them red shirts and having them on the street corners cheering for raises for the teachers. Is Russia's plan to take over this country working. Will you let is succeed? The eugenicists of the 1920s through the 60s from California wanted and passed laws for mandatory sterilize of anyone who was an Native American, Mexican, Chinese or Black for a variety of reasons like Hitler's K4 project. There was no jury or more than a bureaucrat who could say you were unfit to have a family and that was it. The reason was they wanted a white population majority to remain. and now some of these eugenicists are still in our Congress and Senate but there is more power or money to be had by opening the borders. What changes their minds. Could it be there is a lot of money to be taken for the change. Bribery is a wonderful old time second job in many con tries so could it be here? Drug cartels want open borders and can afford to pay for them. That foes for the smugglers of everything else including people. Where does all their money come from to keep our sanctuary cities and open borders? Is it gifts or cash from drug cartels, street gangs, human traffickers, smugglers? “We the People ” pay the price of corruption, incompetence or a mix of the two. Remember ”look before you leap.” try ”Check who you should vote for before you VOTE!” Get a handle on which ideas are your and which ones were put there by your teachers. WE of the 1960s were rebels in the fifties also. Mos to f us rebelled against the changes being brought in by the Utopians just getting warmed up for today. Pass a law permitting the killing of a baby born alive and viable and what happens. They cheered, who cheered? the democratic party cheered. Nasty Pelosi and Chucky Schumer applauded the decision and spoke of its merits. So do you think they could have a care for your life when letting you die by natural causes or euthanizing you to eliminate the expense of your care. Do you think those people who voted for a medical plan that no one could read til after hey voted for it. What kind of care do you think a deplorables who dissevers not compassion of what a slave would get. . Hitler had T4 and we will have Obama Care II for the "Lives unworthy of Life." They are training people to be victims in the schools. Just today the teachers have sent out the indoctrinated [or just some with the others just wanting the day off] of their classes to demonstrate on the streets of the world (minus the streets in Cuba, Russia, China, and the rest of the proponents of this demonstration.) They are sent into the streets to influence and some times give cover for another bureaucracy to ruin some aspect of our economy. Bring the western economies to their knees and they are ripe for a revolution we allowed our children to create. But they are not at fault. The sleeping watchmen and women who slept while socialism capture our youth. AS Stalin said [paraphrasing again] Give me a child for four years and the seeds I will plant can never be uprooted.. The kids are the key to the destruction of the Western Countries. The kids picket, the teachers give them high grades for doing a great service to humanity and Public Radio and TV feed the story to the rest of a news system already under socialist control. I must repeat that most of the people in Public Broadcasting, the News Media or the Public Schools system are doing what they were taught in the Public Schools and Journalism Colleges of the big universities. The may not realize what a the schools had done to them until they find out they are too intelligent and now unneeded. But all the educated must be eliminated as a threat to the Party. The one Party that likes no one outside the Party. Western Countries will be destroyed because the watchmen still, at the eleventh hour, sleep. |
3 | I would like to replace my cut and paste pictures to be more artful, If you are a DARK SIDE Caricaturist who would like to have your name on the WWW please contact us when I can get to the contact program and modify it to play with all the changes since I last did it about 15 years ago. If you are good at spelling and grammar you do not have to be told how badly a dyslexic needs your skills after reading just a few pages here. | |
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Volunteers who might like to poke some fun at the Utopians form the EXTREME LEFT WING TO COMMUNIST crowd or the EXTREME RIGHT WING TO FASCIST members of congress who are planning to “Fundamentally Change” our country into another hell hole country full of the mass graves and forced labor camps it takes to keep a Utopian Society in existence. See Note < a href="notes_assumptions-references.html11 California was one of the leading eugenics centers in the world. From the first sterilization law permitting it to the end; there as no way for the victim to appeal. Sterilization was a method of promoting white racial characteristics with people fearful of the black, Mexican and Chinese populations were the targets of these elitists who feared that their white race only purity must not be diluted. The majority of the sterilizations were white women for various acts (crimes) of sexual misconduct, sanity and perceived threats to the beautiful people of California. This was brought to Germany and used as a reason for the T4 project and its chief objective of a pure Nordic or Aryan “Super Pure Race.Éd; trouble is that the runners of the various Nordic or Aryan pure race movement were not a pure genetic pool euthanasia people in Psychiatric hospitals in German Occupied countries. The code name T4 is an abbreviation of Tiergartenstraße 4, the street address of the Chancellery department set up to recruit and pay the Psychiatric hospitals' employees |
Crossfire Engineering is now a non profit website only and put the copyright notice on the site for two reasons:
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The dreams of a Utopia that have risen again in the midst of what is going on in South America today do not seem to bring back the memories of what the utopia of a dictator has in store for the future slave laborers he required tomorrow. at least in the last century they only had despot royalty to take what they wanted and show no concern for the people they were born under the rule and heavy hand of. There was no warning to them of what life was going to be like under the rule by the great heroes and saints of their revolutions against the their royal despots. We can look what those transfers of one despots cruelty and lack of concern for any life to one totally released from answering even to the Lord of the Universes could do. The map of the short history of one century is marked with mass graves and prison labor camps across the territories they rule. This is a challenge where the deck has been stacked by our enemy over 70 years ago when the great takeover of our Education System was started by Uncle Joe Stalin. There well proven mind bending tricks and practices have produced a society of victims in this country. And the first two full two generations of graduates are now in newspapers, and new rooms around the country. These are not bad or evil people they have been trained to think in ways never believed possible in the 1940s. They think that America is the aggressive enemy and the citizens with bibles and guns are genetic throwbacks to the dark ages. You can see the anarchists on the streets. Some paid to be there and organize. To lead the mobs into the violence we see on the TV. But who tells the police, time after time, to stand down and do nothing. Why has the Justice Department who performs acts which have motivations we cannot judge but whose actions we can judge as highly racial and dividing in a nation of amoral culture over the last half a century that is unrecognizable as American. It almost seems that the leftist leaning government wants to take our Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights Rights away and they will when the balance of power is give a little nudge by the next election. This will happen if watchmen that Ezekiel told to wake up and warn the people what is eminent without their wringing. This counter culture was part of the infiltration techniques being used. Hollywood to Broadway Louisiana to Illinois form a great socialist circle of the population who think patriotism and religion are the cause of violence and must be stopped. Violent elements causing disharmony in the crime infested cities in this ring. Where there has been socialist control of the urban governments for over 60 years. They disarmed the citizens, tied up the police in court battles and the military also so as to have to take lawyers on patrols to instruct the police and solders what to do and how to do it. Why is Ezekiel involved in all of this? This web sire will be about the idea I had one day about my dog Zeke. He was named after my favorite prophet Ezekiel mainly because of his watchman prophecies. Like the Eagles song Hotel California both collided a few months ago when my dog Zeke thought it was time for me to get up and landed on me with 160 pounds of dog. I decided to go read Ezekiel again and the Hotel California kept tugging at my brain while I read his words. This internet site began morphing over from a business site to a more serious site. Important enough to cause a tiny ripple in the complacency of this generation of watchmen required to wake up for our survival as a nation. |
7 | Since the countries involved with the deaths of so many people it is sometimes altered for political and propaganda reasons. The estimates have moves up and down with the political winds that shift directions both inside the country and outside but look at is with a probability of being within 15% as half again better that a coin toss because of the mass burial grounds turning up on a regular basis and the local people where these atrocities occurred remember the friends and family they lost. | |
8 | Many visitors from Utopia are visiting us this time of year and so I must tell them two things. This map is not a road map and this map does not lead to clean well composed pages. They are the work of a dyslexic control system design engineer with many patents and books published on various subjects. The patents were edited by corporate lawyers and the books were edited by people from around the world on the Internet. A dyslexic should never do his own editing. Every mistake a dyslexic corrects could result in two new ones. This is why the request for editors is on every page. The second point is that we do not deliver. Our MENU will be for page navigation and not takeout. Right now it is for telling the entire internet where, if they want, the editing works needs to be done. Do not bother right now as I am finding little programming time with getting pages out for review and doctor appointments almost five a week. One other thing to look at is my humor. Many people hear me speak and look at me in funny ways as what appears funny to me is not seen as funny by some others. This strange look has never bothered me before but it is nice to have another opinion prior to going on the public stage. Comments about gender pronouns if constructive are welcome but I am not in favor of one more item the socialists have used to divide our country. | |
9 | James Iredell was one of the Federalist. Nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court justices by George Washington in part because of his efforts to have the Constitution | |
10 | A lot of German propaganda for their Race Purification Eugenics programs like T4 and the gas chambers in Auschwitz originated in information and support on the benefits came from the American eugenics movement professors in the San Francisco Bay area that published their racist eugenic studies and spurious data but always relying on the pseudo-scientific information surfacing from the Bay Area. The Carnegie Institute supported the Eighteen solutions explored in the "Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeder's Association" to study and report on the Best Practical Means to end a Defective Germ-Plasma in the Human Population." Point No. 8 was euthanasia by Public Gas Chambers. The Rockefeller Foundation helped German eugenics program to get started and Josef Mengele eugenics research before Auschwitz became his new lab. | |
11 | The NAZI of Germany are always called fascists by the Communists and Socialists but Is I have said in other spots on this website that for most reasons you can come up with are 1) the name NAZI is an abbreviation for | |
11 | In my search for trying to understand why the activated street rabble of the socialists and Communists Parties are so worked up by Fascists when the are constantly calling the NAZI party of Germany Fascist when they themselves called themselves Socialists: “der NationalSozialistischeDeutcheArbeiterPartei” or in English The National Socialist German Workers Party. | |
12 | IN the 1960s I spent a lot of time in LA on the NASA Lunar Life Support System Radio which was built there and The antenna which I thing even finely tuned to the radio frequency up in Scottsdale, AZ where I loves to visit did have a suspicious look of a Stanley tape measure with the paint polished off it. But like its tape measure brother it would allow the astronauts to climb in and out of very tight doorways that could have broke a stiff antenna. Most of the time the simpler the better. So Culver City Guns. I would go there and pick up a 1853 58 Cal. Remington Zuave Italian solid brass fixture replica in unused condition for $30.00, A Winchester pre '64 for $40 and a 1979 47-70 Springfield Armory ( the real one in Springfield, Mass. for $25. I loved that store and when I one of the aforementioned items and ammo I would go up to the Angles Gun Club and shoot the afternoons away when work was slow. I still have some of those guns but now I can't figure out how I ever got those long guns on an airplane back to Connecticut. | |
13 | Interested in seeing the true fruits of socialism? Download the presentations of Harry Wu, Director , Laogai Research Foundation several are on the internet so I will not bother to put any here. Wikipedia extract in red: Harry Wu was a Chinese-American human rights activist. Wu spent 19 years in Chinese labor camps, and he became a resident and citizen of the United States. In 1992, he founded the Laogai Research Foundation. from Wikipedia also see note 16 below. | |
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I had met a fellow engineer for the first time on I was on to have some testing performed at a facility for NASA in 1967. When he sat down next to me and told me he was told to accompany me on my trip I was suspicious because of his heavy Eastern European accent. As we talked I had to ask if he was a Communist to see his reaction. He did not answer until he had unbuttoned his shirt and showed me the bullet holes he received throwing a Molotov Cocktail at a Soviet tank in 1956 revolt in Hungry. There were very few guns and he had none so while I was in in eight grade he was a freedom fighter. We were about the same age and other that a few hoods to deal with he had soviet tanks coming down his streets killing his neighbors. He made a weapon to fight the tanks from a wine bottle, gasoline a rag and a kitchen match. He stepped out on the street at the side of the tank and lit the gas soaked rag and through it against the tanks turret. Before it hit its mark he was hit by one of the tankers machine guns three times in his side. Then the bottle did its job. Those inside the tank sealed up and hoped the fire would end soon ad his friends took the opportunity to get him to medical help and I assume they added some gas to the fire while doing it. As both of us were almost the same age I could not imagine what conditions were like to have unarmed citizens fighting tanks and well armed troops.I did not know the face of socialist control of a populations was like then. He is alive for the week we spent traveling the South because the lab's huge power transformer was seen as a future home by a squirrel. We had the week off while they repaired the house warming party damage of the squirrel. Today thoughts of his stories compel me to mention his bravery against the powers of a socialist government. The totalitarian regime must have been very bad to have a country fight the Soviet tanks sent in to squash the revolution. His tank attack lead me to a better understanding of the fruits of socialism and to try to improve my throwing arm if we are left without guns Our halls of government are being filled with socialist/Communist(same thing but different hiding under a different name is a social democrat who wants to be elected by the ignorant - Did you know that is what Hitler called himself until he took over the Party and voilà a new Nazi party is born) our Senators and "Representatives" some old times and some just elected by the large population of kids now voting trained to think socialism offers a bright and prosperous future. Our Public School System for the last sixty or so years has been slowly transformed in to a tax funded institute for the purpose of prostolization of our kids with false history, negative history, made up fairy tails of the success of socialism. Socialism only sounds great when its history (some still occurring) takes a bloody toll o the nations that fell for the lies. The only ones making out in a socialist country are the leaders. And to keep the leaders in luxury it takes Secret Police. Well trained children spying on parent and neighbor for expressing thoughts contrary to philosophy that can only be presented by lying about, hiding or changing the history of socialism specialist educators taught them is it a better philosophy of government than our present one. We (with our letting our schools be run by socialists and communists by their own indoctrination during their education or extreme pressure from the various teachers unions and administrators use our tax money to proselytize our children) sleep while the rope of totalitarianism tighten around each of our necks. We have been the sleeping watchmen who may awake to find out it is too late to avoid the destruction our sleep has brought upon our nations for the next forty biblical years. These countries were free until the Soviots placed them under totoliarian despot rulers after taking them over at the end of WWII. They did not regain freedom until Ronald Reagan, a B movie star and our 40th president and pope John Paul somehow with two separate methods brought down the Soviet control with the press calling Mr. Reagan a cowboy and the pope a nothing brought down the Berlin wall and Pope JP with a visit home to Poland inspire the Polish Solidarity movement that through off the socialists from the back of the people. The Founding Fathers insisted on the Bill of Rights as they could see what would happen when our watchmen were sleeping. Bill Casey predicted Uncle Jose (I wonder why people call Joe Biden what they also called Joseph Stalin) plan to take over this country was. The first Uncle Joe is reported to have said: "Give me four years to teach the children and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted." and again "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not allow our enemies to have guns. Why would we allow them to have ideas?" Stalin understood getting his agents into our public school system and teachers' unions would make it easier to take over the United States without a peep. Our own kids will betray the Constitutions because of the education we let them have. Watchman - wake up. . Socialist control of the schools will have the next generation vote the socialists into positions to take over the nation. Socialist control of the press and news give them control over the ideas that wilt make the socialist takeover easier. |
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Is this a look of concern. boredom or an advertisement for Hemorrhoid Cream?. Could someone please get a tube of Preparation X out to them? The extreme Left in the United States says they want gun control firearms for safety. Our Founding Fathers say what they really want is to control who has the firearms. Control who has them and make sure that no one can buy one legally. ![]() |
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The Laogai does more than detain and “reform” convicts and dissidents; the Chinese government profits handsomely from the system. Prisoners, who are typically unpaid, provide a free source of labor in prison-run factories, farms, workshops, and mines, enabling these “businesses” to reap huge profits. Unfortunately, due to intentional deception on the part of the Chinese government, lax international labeling requirements, and reliance on middlemen exporters, Laogai products are difficult to identify and continue to find their way onto store shelves worldwide. Additionally, many governments are more than willing to “look the other way” in order to preserve their trading relationship with the world’s largest market and source of cheap labor. Even if there is substantial evidence that a particular front company or middleman is selling prison-made goods, it can still be exceedingly difficult to prove in courts, particularly when the most conclusive evidence would typically need to come from Chinese witnesses who may face retribution from their government if they cooperate.Executions and Organ Harvesting.
How does a Communist Country get a little extra income from their prison and reform labor camps over using them to manufacture it light bulbs, cell, phones computers, wind mills, solar panels, wind mills and about everything else in the big retail stores. You can take comfort that it was a Rabbi, Priest Imam, Monk, Missionary and many other enemies of the state that helped to make your product cheaper. If interested they have come up with a new twist to marketing from th pages of Harry Wu's Laogai Research Foundattion. A paragraph from his web page:
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17 | All quotes sited that are in gray italic letters without quotation marks are paraphrased as I do not consider the source worthy of the effort of the dyslexic writer to look it up again after seeing it several times. I will guarantee the meaning and intent of the paraphrased citation to be honest and correct. | |
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In George Reisman's 2005 essay "Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian" — He explains that when the Utopians attack capitol ism buy calling the leaders fascists and Nazis. He makes three interesting points that I had to comment on in my own words: