MENÚ papa MAÑANA — See Note 0


Been planning to support our first responders for what they did, or what they are doing or what they will do for you and your family but you don't know how to do it disretely? You can find an easy method to do this in Synopsis in Note 1 You will be suprised what a cup of coffee will do for their day and yours.


I have started the reorganization of Crossfire Engineering, Inc. in April of 2016 as soon as I received the papers of dissolution from the State of Cpnnecticut. It was a rather unexpected event on my part. I was only considering the dissolution for the previous two years as Connecticut was forcing me to use the electronic tax forms on their web site. The normal tax form (also on their website: CT1120) was there to use but they were insisting on using the new electronic form. The new form was a jumbled of dwords that I had never seeen and I had no idea of hodw to fill it out so I used the hand filled in form and mailed to them with a check on time and properly filled out. They deposited the check and sent a warniong tht if I ever used the form on the internet again I would be fined and have to use the new form.

I was transforming the corporation into a small machine shop to be run with my brother-in-law and there was no money comming into my corporation sInce I moved to Tucson except for a loan payment on the internet business I sold years before. In order to use the new tax formI would have to pay an accountant to do it and as a corporation the fees in connecticut for this were very expensive. So as the next tax reporrt was due I had no money in the corporate bank account except for what was to cover medical and maintanence fees. I used the form on the internet and mailed it in with a check again.

You might think that I shot the Governor with the visious responce for using their publisned form on the internet for that year and I got very angery as I paid them and the check was deposited so that was when I desided that Connecticut was no friend to play with any more so in 2016 I filed with Connecticut and IRS to remmovve the corporate froom Crossfire. I also closed the electronic portal for all the corporatopmns to have contact with the department of revenue there. Then I mailed in the minimum corporate tax for that year using the interndest form again for that year and usend another form for which I changed tyhe date to the 2016 and sent that to them with another check for the year 2016 minimum tax ($250). Redficulous to have something like that for Connecticut with the large corporations still operating there. Small corporation like crossfire in transition in Tucson had to pay with personal funds when there was no income for a couple of years.

In 2017 I was contacted demanding that I pay the 2016 Income tax and I would be fined for not using that anoying accountanat required form of theirs. The guy at the tax office was livid and full of threats of hugh fines and penalties but I comly told him that I could not get to their form on linme as they closed the portal wIth my dissolution and if he had checked he woud have seen that one of the checks they deposited was for 2016 taxes and so marked af for the comming year as the bank accounts had to be closed since there was no corporation. He looked and found the deposit for his mistakeen missing tax year.

It was over a week when I was in bed waking up with nurses removing tubes for placed I did not know tubes were ever placed before. There was a beautiful mural of and Eagle on the wall that I commented on but no one paid much attention to it as they were very busy with the tube and such. One nurse told me that I was placed in a medically enduced coma for the past week and put in an ice bath with life support and dialisis due to my kidneys shutting of due to a 106°F fever lasting over a week. It took a few days to brig told of the kidney failure and being put on dialisis, very close to not surviving the ordeal.

But to some items I had in my notarized instructions about not being constrained by anyone for any reason retired volunteers from my wife's church choir they were very reluctant to let my hands loose to pull out the vent in the coma. But everything went well and I am telling the story.

I was discharged on Christmas Eve to Rehab for the next month followed by a month of home rehab and then Physical Therapy until I got tired of it and quit. I was planning on a quick change to the new business form but now I realize it will be another couple of years to get over the big spinal operation required to remove the stenosis in my lumbar spine. I already had the cervical spine operation in 2019 after the Carotid endarterectomy due to pre operation clearance for the spinal operation finding a 80+percent blockage in the left carotid artery. Here I am at 79 years old and tinkng I can not survuvve a 7 hour spinal operation. I cancceled the operation and my health is getting worse.

So what are the future plans for Crossfire Engineering?

If the Lord permits I will be very busy for the next two years recovering from the removal of a lumbar vertebrae to gain access to the main causes of the stenosis of the lumbar sine causing me some difficulty in movement. It is expected to be a 7 hour operation with at least a year of recovery after a long time in Physical Therapy and rest. So my plan is to finish this website during the recovery and then apply to the IRS for approval of the plan which is part of this website. It is part of my desire to give back to God some of the wonderful things I received I having two wonderful marriages a rewarding and fun history of jobs that taught me much and hopefully did something good for the public with the research I did on Otto and Diesel Engines which I have received patents for. I can think of nothing better that working without the pressure of worrying about the pay and layoffs which I avoided for my career and having the money given to charity through the customers donating the money for my time directly to the charities worthy of being called a charity. I have seen charities that use 90% of the money they collect on their expenses, salaries and advertising and only 10% going to the cause they say they are helping. They will not see a penny of my time. So between doctors appointments, blood tests and CT scans I will be working on the body of this website. The menu above gives an outline of the work to be incorporated in this site as well as the stuff evolving in this world that should be included. There will be very little comment on any of the documents of the founders of this nation as they were very capable of writing for the people who were the people who spent their youth in uniforms of some sort instead of school fighting for the freedom for the founders to write.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (See note below} — James Madison and George Mason for separate reasons have used these words.(see my note below.)

Note: Madison was the forth President of the United States and is considered the Father of the Constitution. He was one of the three Federalists responsible for the essays appearing in the NYC newspapers now referred to as The Federalist Papers written in an effort to have the new US Constitution ratified by the States and after George Mason made it a requirement for the Anti-Federalists to Approve of the new US Constitution Madison was the one who drafted the the United States Bill of Rights. Which followed Masons work in the Virginia legislature as well as the state constitutions of many others. This language was kept very simple for law is built upon law which will be part of the website. Such as the English Bill of Rights of 1689 stating that citizens of England have the right to "have Arms for their Defense suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law." (Note this was for the Protestants not the Catholics)

copyright © 2019-2022 Jim Willenbecher, see note 3
THIS IS File: synopsis1.html, created: 02/06/2018. The publication date without editing for this Revision (Rev.: H) was November 21, 2022.

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Today is a wonderful day to show your appreciation for any "First Responder(s) you see in a food or drink location for their help. They are the persons of law inforcement that work hard to keep our highways safe, control crime, keep order; the fire fighters who provide rescue anad EMT services, put our the fires, and catch unwanted vsitors such as snakes;' the doctors and nurses who keep the Emergency Rooms open to give assistance for our mental and physical problems. They are the targets of oportunity for the mental and other disturbed people who add life threatening danger to their daily work with thew nundaine to random shootings and ambush. treet our problemsaWhen you realize they may have stopped some random act that would have killed or injured you or a family member. Some mentally unballenced want to shoot them. when you want to do show support discretely see Section I Synopsis note 4 for a very private method to show your appreciation for as little or as much as you can afford to show.


I'm Free! it took 37 years but
Sucesssful but too busy for me.
So I did a few Conn. and Fed. forms.
It now Sleeps with the Fish.<

Facts have too long supported these arrogant pretensions of the Europeans. It belongs to us to vindicate the honor of the human race, and to teach that assuming brother, moderation Union will enable us to do it. Disunion will add another victim to his triumphs. Let Americans disdain to be the instruments of European greatness! Let the thirteen States, bound together in a strict and indissoluble Union, concur in erecting one great American system, superior to the control of all transatlantic force or influence, and able to dictate the terms of the connection between the old and the new world! — Alexander Hamilton;The Federalist Paper No. 11, 24 November 1787