It is NOT a usual secret document you are under Party orders to leak. Remake of the Congressional Rules of Order following the plans first proposed by Bison Bill the ones that followed on the TV front like Ses-me Street and Mr. Nicensweet. The mind twisters have some not even knowing what sex they are. It the bous act like boys they school recommends drugs for them. If the girls do not respond to the lessons on how to act give them drugs to do what they by theu=]ir nature would never do. The schools product bear the mark of 10 to 24 years of endoctrination into Party thinking. We o can say that over sixty percent of th eeducators have had professional training by the Party to separate the trust between parent and child so that when called upon the child will tell us if the parent is not thinking properly. From pre-school through PhD levels the Party think has been taught to different groups depending on background. This separation of students into like thinking groups as worked extremely dwell in tow catagories. First, the intellectual objectors to any arguments contrary to Party think. Their training i s talking incessently when the other is trying to bre heard, interruption of thught with irationals statements at inaproptiate times and using proper personality slurs dor the sourounding group. Second, the anarchists leaders who enjoy distriction for the sake of destroying something of someone elses. The former two successes in conjunction with the general populations' general lack of any knowledge of the US Constitution with its rediculous Bill of Rights for over two generations now the it is time to harvest the fruit of our work. Socialism is now a reality with over 50 percent of the population either on government assistance or employed by the government. The unions have done their job as well as the education system. They have been able to pile up more unfunded dept from union benefits such as lavish healthcare and retirement benefits, not as good as the elected like you but becasue of the great numbers of benefdicviaries involved the villages, towns cities, states and federal bewureaucrats have given away the futures of the children, grandchildren and their great grandchildren. TRillians of dollars that can omly cause more class envy and which in the end will cause the final battle and the Party will emirge as the savior of the world. Those American elected have played into our hands content to take their money and run instrad of fighting for the very future of the people they were suposed to represent. Styudy your parts and play them well for the time has come to act. Finish the work the Party paid you to do.
The past fifty years of progressive education has giving the proper method of thinking to most of it graduates and that give us the majority of those that will listen to our call to arms when the moment has arrived. Our special thanks go out to our Community Organizers, Legal Aide and Civil Liberties workers for the great contribution to the erosion of the idea of justice for all. This last big lie has laid the final ground work for our agents of anarchy is the Russian Docier with the group lies and accuzations in every news cycle. Our audience is dumb and will believe the lie the more it is told on the all the news networks. Now the time is right for a shutdown of all government over DACA or the Wall or Impeachment of Trump. He does not have to be guilty of anything but an impeachment trial will so weaken him that NK and Iran will dedfy him and further lead to the moment of our sucess. Your job is to lie, obstruct and persecute anyonme who does not join the Party thought process. Be careful, some will flip to the other side when the lies get too outrageous to swallow and vigelance is essential so that the FBI,CIA and NSA cna deal with those that appear to be turniong. And there is alwasy the GAT. He and his team will be the Final Solutions to convinve those thinking of turning away from the Party way will never think that way again. Remember there is nothing wrong with the class we call the rich. The problem is they have it and we want it. After the 2018 elections and the Party is back in power we can enact laws to get the money back that we had before the Trump Tax Reform tok it from our use. It is the Party's and we want it back.
This phase will be called: The Howie Dubie.
any mention
of the Howdy Doody Show by your drug filled brains and liquor loose lips
will be dealt with extreme measures and you do not want to find out
what that implies. So in the future as the Party meets with the two
tents of Congress's Party comrades they will only say they are
rehearsing for the upcoming play:
The Howie Dubie
show rehearsal.
Our education system has hopefully succeeded in making them incapable
of sounding out the words and seeing what our secret agenda is. So go
out there and break a leg. Not yours, idiots, It is a show business
phrase for good luck and the Party's way of getting the attention of
opponents on their first warning. So lets go over a few things on this
first rehearsal.
1) We demand you Pick and Post the Stars now! This is not the US business it is Party Business and we are not paying you to obstruct, defer, redirect attention or postpone Party Work.
We are having a problem with two of the top of the list stars: When
the Party chose in its great wisdom to demote Chucky Shoehorn from the
co-starring roll of Bison Billie NAnny Perogi tore the indian
princessess dress off Lizzy Warnutt in front of the whole cxast and
crew. She was screaming something about she was Pocahontis and found to
be a fraud and that here being Princess Summerfest Winter Hungonver
would insult the Native American Communityu and cost us their vote as a
victom comunity. Nanny wanted to be with Chucky so much so that she
killed the pritty young inturn wonder woman and took over the part
before his demotion. Wonder Woman may still be Nanny's part in addition
to the princess gig because how much work has to be done in congress if
you just obstruct, deleect and confuse the public with the same old lies
every time an election comes up. When Nanny dressed up as the Native
American to stand with Chucky Chucky posted his complaints with his
picturee on the stagfe door.
Lizzy imediately took the part from Maggie Coldlake who was seceduled
to be Ardnas the witch which was Maggie's life long dream to play after
seeing Ardnas every TV day of her formative years. Lizzy took the part
to learn how to cast spells on Nanny over the Princess thing. Now
lizzie is off somewhere with her new Hover 5000 Space Duster cathering
spells from all over the universe. Not to be left out of the mess Maggie
has not stopped hanking her clown horn and spraying seltzer all over
the cast and crew.
When he was put into the Chief Dunderbust his house counterpart Nanny Perogi attacked Maggi Warnout who was to be Princess Summerfest Winterhangover screaming she already played an Indian part as Pocahontas and could not be a different Indian since the weak minded might see a fraud somewhere in the ranks. The cast is in a massive sit down until Chucky Shoehorn takes his manifesto off the stage door. This is a picture of the manifesto./p>
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