Political Correctness or PC is just a commodity to the DARK SIDE. This year it has traded in the range of 1 to 3 μ BullenScheiße coins per one μ ounce (if you bring your own recyclable bag) While they are traded in California, Connecticut, Virginia and DC the minimum lot size of the trade is in 4 to 6 thousand BullenScheiße coins not μ BullenScheiße coins. This price is artificially inflated to allow for placing those unable to pay in forced labor camps to be able to afford the Utopian Party Rulers in those states and pay for the 35 foot high electrified fence around their states keep the number of workers enough to buy items for the rulers and their minions and zombie thugs. to increase the price of the fines for violating one of the over 21,473 different PC codes in these states However trading was halted when a person was actually trying to sell his holdings in BullenScheiße coins he brought with him when he escaped from Utopia. Our commodity market tried to find a way to make the exchange but found that trading in BullenScheiße is always in minimum lot sizes of one hundred dry metric tons which is worth about what bargain brand sea water sells for. We could not figure out how to make a paper coin that would not cost more that the Utopian coins were worth to us. Actually we wrote this to discourage anyone from trying to sell the coins in our side of their fence. We interrupt this page for a brief message form out sponsors.T his page is brought to you by the generous donations of the Samuel and John Adams Trust. Sam and John have been one of the strongest forces in the lives of those returning to the DARK SIDE. (No, This Sam Adams doesn't brew beer in Boston. The brewer's last name is Kotch, Jim Kotch.)
" As our president bears no resemblance to a king so we shall see the Senate has no similitude to nobles. First, not being hereditary, their collective knowledge, wisdom, and virtue are not precarious. For by these qualities alone are they to obtain their offices, and they will have none of the peculiar qualities and vices of those men who possess power merely because their father held it before them. " |
" Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. " |
" Dr. Franklin, looking towards the president's chair, at the back of which |
Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it.We now return you to our normal page As with the currencies of other socialist nations the value of their currency to buy another commodity but the currency could not be officially made in a small enough size to be used for trading in Political Correctness. No material could be found to represent the low value of a 1 μ BullenScheiße stamp sized paper currency. The monetary value of the stamp sized bank note was less that the cost of the paper making the currency to expensive to make in the 1 μ BullenScheiße bills and completely rules out the use of coinage. Left without a way to produce the method to trade in PC it is worthless here but if there is ever a way to make a buck honestly with it we will go for it.
When a person things it is a duty to inform one of us that we are in violation of a PC code that no one has ever heard of before we try to be nice and just ignore the violation but as a PC tries harder to convince you to change it sometimes calls to mind a joke about the person being a Professional Caboose or rear end-er and we can not hold back our laughter. What is hard to to come up with is why someone thinks any of those PC rules actually make life better. What it appears to do is divide the country still further apart. (This is one of the tenants of a socialist or fascist takeover, divide and conquer.) So the rules are set up that if a socialist makes a truly nasty remark to an individual or group they can say I am sorry and are forgiven immediately. If a Dark Sider says the same thing in the same contest and they are blackballed for life Their apology is laughed at and there is no road to redemption except to say at home and pay taxes.
Some of the local schools just had a graduation for the PC zombies who took the test results that directed you to take the subjects with little Return On Capitol (ROC) so you must go further into dept to get a PhD in the subject/ to get a better paying joy from your employer than the building's maintenance engineer. This is a planned trip you have been put on in grade school by the guidance director to you graduate with the almost worthless diploma. It gives the PhD a job for life as you and countless others are moved through that career path to nowhere but becoming a bitter professor teaching others to make thew same mistake. Had you gone to trade school and become a plumber or electrician you would be able to start you own business in less time than it took to graduate and have no student loan dept to hold you back.
Come in Friend or foe, We do not judge what you were. while under the influence of the socialist professors and held captive by the fear of being shunned by your class mates if you spoke a word of descent about the pc contradictions of their pc rules. Here on the DARK SIDE you are free to think any way you wish, even the pc talk a the outside Utopians do, , Here we protect the right of any one to say anything they feel like(rather liberal don't you think) re is the place where you are judged by who you are now. We have no kings or queens, not lords, dukes (well maybe a couple of coon dogs named duke) we bow before no one except the one Lord of all, and here you do not even have to do that. You are free here. Political Correctness does not exist here, if You say something really insulting you might get into a fight for saying it to the wrong person but it is not because anyone has rules about it but here bad judgment may cost you some pain. There were anarchists running in the street but when they realized in the DARK SIDE where the Second Amendment is still honored it was a little to dangerous for their nonsense. The only thing you are still free and encourages to do is VOTE. The Utopians voted for the Free lunches and Education, jobs and more and they got what all socialist system's guarantee are surely to bring with them. Economic Collapse, political prisoners, thought correction camp, death squads, secret police and border walls to keep the people in. Are walls are to keep them out and we can go anywhere and see the horror of the North Korea, Iran, Syria. The difference in socialism and fascism is the spelling of the name and nothing else to the people that live there. Utopia is a place to live in constant shortages, your children taught to report any suspicious actions or words to the schools for investigation, loss of freedom to travel, and pre filled out ballots you can hand in or stay away and be put on a list for rehabilitation at a camp. See how things are constructed in the socialist society. Forced slave prison labor and if you can, but be careful you could get shot, talk to a forced laborer and see what the crime they committed was, anti government thoughts, expressed or just by your appearance when attending a leaders parade. Be sure you know what you are voting for! Some are wolves in dressed as sheep.
Crossfire Engineering does not care about PC rules and opinions: neither I or the company would give a grain of KuhFladden for any of it. We tell you this because you are warned about this site and yet you have come here and ignored the warnings about our attitude concerning PC. This is your problem and not ours so if you contact us we will probably insult you before ending the encounter. The first amendment (protected by the second amendment) gives us the right to free speech and we exercise those right without a thought about your comments on them. We are the true liberals who allow you the freedom to say what you want but not in our face. Egress from the site to our private complaint desk is easy, just click on the red: to complaint desk to get to out complaint desk
My humor is most outrageous when it deals with PC: There was my gunsmith business running along side of my homebrew mail order business. It was renewal time for my FFL license and an ATF guy came to the door to have a talk about an advertisment I had posted on every little back country magazine for our beer and wine mail order business. He came in with a copy of the "Squirrel Hunters Monthly." A monthly magazine that costs about a buck a line to run my ad and the ROI was higher with this ad that any of the others. The ATF guy asked me if I knew who he was the Revenuers and he did not appreciate the "Outsmart the Revenuers, make your own beer and wine." ad and came to investigate what it meant. I said it meant I found the the best ad I ever thought up. The ROI with that simple was ten times greater that all my other mail order ads put together in catalogs sent out and orders received. I took him into the cellar shop where the milling and turning machines I had for the gunsmith work and beer and wine making inventory was. I showed him the computer analysis of the performance of each ad we were using and he saw the effectiveness of that ad. By the way it is legal in this country to make 200 gallons of beer or wine for family use. But he knew that so I did not bring up the subject.
When he left he ad a catalog and the beer kit he bought but I think it was more evidence than for his use. He never smiled. I hope some of the agents have the ability to smile a little. On the his way out the boor he handed my dealers renewal license to me and said I had a weird sense of humor. I bet it was a good office joke when he got back. Please note. The evil guns you want to take away for us are the same guns that protect your right to talk about taking them away. Did you ever hear of people speaking as you do in a socialist country. That is what the Gulag is for; to keep protesters in the free lunch and every one has a job program? Wait a second that is what they are so thank the armed citizen exercising the secondment right to carry a hand gun, do not vote to take away the only thing that protects the first amendment. Some times the order of things is a clue to the importance of these rights thank them for protecting your rite to free speech. Never has a socialist Paradise that would allow free speech of the dissidents and anarchists they paid and trained to keep doing it after power is under socialist control. Search the web in any language and do your research on who was ever happy under a socialist government except the governing and the deaths of civilians to keep the government open for business. Be sure you know what you are voting for!