The following statement is intended to include only the healthy unemployed no matter if the cause be illness or misfortune. Welfare is a good way to care for the unfortunate among us who have problems that prevent them from working. It is directed at those who think they are somehow by nature above the Adam when The Lord said, “Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.” Gen. 3: 17-18. “Not as slaves, but as Freemen our money we’ll give.” That is charity. When any government (town, city, state or national) takes money from its working citizens and gives it to able bodied people just because they do not like the jobs available. Both the person person giving and the other receiving the money earned by others really amounts to legalized robbery. Is the result any different than being mugged on the street. The money is taken and you never see it again. No person has the right to take another's wages because he does not feel like working. If the motives of the government official giving other peoples money to the poor I will show him the charities that do that with a care for the people donating the money. We have a president who does not collect his pay check as an example to me of how to run out the end of my good life.
But the evils of government do not stop there. Before the War of Independance we have had property tax. The tax was controlled by the diligence to duty of the people we elected to provide the community with what was needed at a reasonable cost. For decades we have elected people who find it easier to give our money to those who demand it and treat is as it is not a problem. To the negotiators it is a disinterested politician verses a union representative who wants money for a cause. The cause mab be his salery or his job but he has an interest in the outcome more that the g-man who just looks at how many mils can he rase property tax to pay for it. Then comes the lawbreaers we elect they turn our cities into sanctuary cities putting pressure on schools and and first responders as the school enrolement and crime rate go up due to the new arrivals. So every year a few more mills here and a few more mills there add up to disaster for the fixed income home that has paid the property tax and mortgage every year for the last 40 or 50 years but now extreme mismanagement at all levels of municipality the retiree cannot pay his taxes any more and it is no problem for the same manager who let this happen for years on end to take the tax defaulting home and put another senior citizen out on the streets with another family now enjoying the seniors home. This if another legalized crime of our present incompetent elected officials. Or maybe it is not incompetence the officials involved just do not give a hoot about those who put their trust in his speeches and charisms and not in his record which they never look at. They just vote for the party their family has voted for since some great event in the families history.
When that same government promotes illegal alliins to enter and remain in the country with an open border policy and sanctuary cities draining more of the resources from our citizens in real medical and physical disabilities need of those resources. Property taxes are used to educate them and that tax is forcing people out of their homes in their retirement years because of the uncontrollable growth of the illegals in the school system. Any town that supports itself and the school system (if there are any that do not) is driving its property owners into poverty. The retired cannot sustain many more tax increases before they will loose their home and a lifetime of investment into it at the tax auction to support those who contributed nothing to the welfare of the people of the United States. Except a future vote for the ones we elected to protect us and manage our towns. And who is crazy for voting for the same people and promises at every election expecting to get a different result from them? Are they that stupid or do they think we are?
The main push this year is the free this and free that and if you borrowed money we will pay for your ignorance in following a socialist guidance counselor who fixed a college degree in your head that has no jobs available now or ever without you getting a PhD. But he promises a job for everyone. It might be assembling computers for many big name companies with essentially slave label assembly workers who must work 18 hours a day with very limited time off somewhat along the lines of Stalin’s Gulag or Mao “Láodòng Gǎizào (劳动改造), which means reform through labor. Rdquo; or maybe That Good Old Commie Burnie knows very well is what is required to give the leaders. The leaders of a socialist nation can insure survival with a high standard of living like royals with a nation of slave laborers to to feed them. Stalin was a little smaller in his thinking and used the labor to build canals and such never really getting Russia into the electronic age like Mao. The slave labor of May is late to come up with the slave labor What will be the questions on the next election cycle. Actually you can skip the rest of their paragraph since there will not be another election. But for those interested the anarchists of today will be asking in 2024 if they make it through the first purge which usually occurs in th first year of taking power.
Question № 1: Who will milk the cows for the cream to make a Starbuckian his Late?
Question № 2: Who will make the Late?
Question № 3: Who does the milking?
Question № 4: Who will maintain the electric grid from those Chinese Windmills
Question № 5: Who will clean the eagle guts off the giant rotating blades that make DDT the eagles best friend. The wind generating power and the solar adding to it will still require skilled technicians and manufacturers to keep the techs in replacement parts. so who will do these jobs it everything is free?
Question № 6: How long can a civilized socialist avoid being chosen to scrape the eagle droppings off the solar panels. that cannot see the sun through it? I think Sanders said it all when he mentioned the OLD Chinese System for handling this problem: “ Láodòng Gǎizào (劳动改造), which means reform through labor. Rdquo; but the true meaning was slave labor camps. Dose the term organ harvesting camps make you step back a little? It is yet impossible for others to grasp because of the gift of seeing things as they are naturally simple things and not complicate. Why does socialism always fail? The cute answer which may best describe it is they run out of other peoples money. And then the renewable resources of supply for the organ harvesting factories is an obvious choice to gain a share of other countries moneys. This new product line has helped the Chinese commisars bottom line allowing them to buy their exotic imported foods they love to eat.
Question № 7:Follow up question: When will canablism start? pop, pop pop EEEGh!
A new narrator takes the mike reluctantly and says there will be an all you can eat rib BBQ party after the staff cleans up the previous announcer’ live on-air suicide. This interview is over. Come back tomorrow so I can stay employed and prevent my on air suicide.
A really big question to answer before you vote for all the free stuff you are told you will get is if the candidates pushing for a change in government to socialism and they know what they are selling has never performed in the past what are they really after? Power, money, or your soul? Before you sing the praises of the next Stalin, Mao, Hitler or Pol Pot check out What they gave Us and the world. So what made me change my successful corporate business website to this one?
The Prophet Ezekiel in his warnings to the watchman covered on Watchman Wake Up did it. While sitting in a chair falling asleep watching the news of some up and coming star of the democratic party even though he is a Bernie Sanders (a Communist) who was screwed out of the 2016 election he could have done better in than someone stupid enough to tell the coal miners she would eliminate all their jobs so vote for me but she had too dark a past to do it long before Bernie. From Foster to Benghazi, white water to miss handling of classified emails and other State Department classified correspondence. What was she hiding from everybody that she would care less about our Nationional Secrets?
While all this is going on I thought how helpless I was to do anything with my racking up frequent flyer miles with the Local Ambulance Group with my various health problems. It seems that there is always one more operation to go through. Each one I have fixes a serious problem but there is always something new requiring another one. I wonder what a socialized medical solution would do to help me. I thing it would be nothing as it was fifty years ago in England. I was wondering why all the English Doctors were coming to the US.
Now Sanders is going all out telling us that he would solve all the problems of our country by making us a total socialist nation providing us with: PAUSE and think what these people are saying
The Prophet Ezekiel was a priest deported in 597 BC to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar with the king and other influential citizens of Jerusalem. His teaching on personal responsibility for their life and their duty as a watchman of the people are being slowly found to be very fitting for today. Review the following sections of Ezekiel Chapter 3:17-21,18:25-32, 33:1-22. See Duties of a Watchman. Two of these are the Ezekiel quotes for other pages.
You just read in the above Madison quote is what the Utopian Sirens are calling us to. Singing the enchanting song that other nations have been called by to their rapid destruction. Destruction of a nation not by some powerful force of nature but by the carefully rehearsed plans of Uncle Joe Stalin. Stalin whose sole purpose is the total destruction of the Republic of the United States since the 1930s. My Purposes of this new website is to try in my own way the correlation between socialism and death . show how true the Founders were when they predicted where and how this Republic would be destroyed. Last election Twitter shut me out several times for my political cartoonist 2015-6. Our Founders warned us that no foreign enemy could ever defeat a moral nation by invasion from foreign powers. We would have to defeat ourselves and bring down our Nation. How many of our Inalienable right does it cost us to be taken care of by the government until it runs out of money? This question is important for every voter to answer. I believe history has the answer. The last stage in Socialism is its fall into a totalitarian nightmare.
If my mission convinces anyone in this website to be sure not to make another careless vote for a Utopian because that one vote might be our check into the one way pass into the Hotel California where you have checked into the Hotel California where “You can checkout any time you want, BUT YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE!” The Eagles 1977. Now the over pampered street anarchist realizes the fascist they rioted against was really the good guys and they were just ignorant children playing in a game they never understood.
This web page will be my watchman’s trumpet warning of the Tsunami about to flood over our Republic with a few generation of voters who have had no knowledge of how good we have it here in the USA or how many of those “great” countries we defend from enemies with our tax money so they can live in Utopia They have never been taught of all the goodness we generously give around the world in money and blood Utopians want us to be just another pile of № 1 on the land masses of earth. And when we are delegated to that position who will take our place as a world super power to prevent wars and protect the world from those who would bring back the Europe of the not too distant past who colonized the world for the riches they could steal from that colonized people they conquered he truth is thoughts and most of them because of the nature of truth Truth is not relative or gray and when someone comes forward with the Truth it hurts Truth always requires a reformation (or conversion) of what we believe the truth is to what the Truth is Truth does not compromise it demands acceptance Their are Sirens in this world that will promise an alternative to Truth in a well rehearsed package of lies and false premises we can fight it and run off to a because it requires conformity to the truth not our version of the truth but the truth is to use this website to warn a sleeping nation of the socialist tsunami first of my opinions on the content of this website It is to warn people before they go to far and get upset over my subjects and opinions of them. There is always time to leave and this may be the time for some visitors.