PRELIMINARY MENU — July 4, 2019 See № 1
Ladies and Gentleman: This list represent the ten most honored and worshiped celebrities in the Utopian World. But there is a certain question I must answer first. Why do I use the term Utopia?
Sir (Saint) Thomas More’s Utopia published in Latin in 1516. “Libellus de optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova insula Utopia”. More made up the word Utopia from two Greek words: ‘ou’(‘not’) and ‘topos’ (‘place’) resulting in a word for not place or nowhere, His story is the description of a pagan socialist greek city-state which is totally ruled by logic like the idea of Star Treks Vulcan society. The story in a way resembles a sales brochure for socialism but is intended to point out how far from the spiritual Europe has drifted in the sixteenth century from its Christian Past. The devastation and division caused by the black plague of the last century and the Reformation have left Europe more pagan that Christian. Europe’s inbred nobility’s unquenchable desire for riches and power, coupled with Calvin’s notions of you cannot loose your place in heaven once you have staked a claim in it gave free license to the ruthless witch hunts, slave trade and every other nefarious activity you an thing of in Europe and the Manifest Destiny policies of the US in that time of our history.
A topic that if you ever read Ezekiel you would have questions about which is right as Paul says we have the scriptures to guide us. Who can get more to that point than Ezekiel. I use communists as the preferred socialist for Utopia. As an engineer I include fascists in Utopia also as they are goals driven to achieve the idea of a perfect society of their imagination also. The goals are the same for Marxists, Communists, Leninist, Maoists, Socialists or Fascist as are their methods of obtaining and holding on to the power to protect their failing dream while it disintegrates over their lifetime. So the fourteenth century saw the black plague kill over half the worlds population but another plague caused more that 10 times that old record in the twentieth century and that was the Utopians and their struggle to force their ideas of Nowhere on their fellow human beings. But More was a man who willingly gives up his life for his faith cannot be a communist supporter at the same time be a man of faith. One is inconsistent with the other. When a person has to tell the truth to a totally ruthless monarchs the intelligent tell it in a story of contrast between ‘nowhere’ and the reality that exists in story form. It does not offend them but gets them to think about the subject a little further that to have him arrested for treason. The order and dignity of such a state was intended to provide a notable contrast with the unreasonable polity of a faux christian Europe’s greed for power and riches in contrast to Utopia. The reader is thus left guessing as to which parts are just witty comments which are seriously intended.
The Top Ten Causes of Death in the Twentieth Century. A glorious century where more people were killed murdered, maimed worked to death, starved to death marched of to the woods and buried in one big hole. Hitler had his SS and Stalin Had his nd starved to death than all other centuries before them combined. There were others who helped but they just could not cut it with less than the two and a half million deaths required to make the Top Ten List. Because of The structure of a Totalitarian State the historians can be instructed as to numbers, dates reasons and persons involve ed in some horrific event or mass murder. Like most of our news is primarily fed to them by the Utopians in Senate and House and judged newsworthy not by truth by how well will the story help support the political motives of the editor(s) and top management. There is no need to fact check it. Its truth fullness is not important. What is important is will it help to destroy a a New York Builder who trained for the POTUS job in a city requiring him to negotiate with the mob, the city bureaucracy and the strong construction and supply unions who is not afraid of the same old stuff in the city construction business . Nations change rulers and the ones ruling in a Totalitarian country might for political reasons change history to raise the body count or lower it depending on how the leader slept the previous neighbor whatever is politically expedient for his government. might be that those not on the list were just better at hiding the bodies then the ones here. With secret police formed to eliminate secret police that are becoming a force threatening the despots hold on power. The winds of intrigue change directions with every tick an insane mind.
A big Utopian round of applauds for Mao Zedong for his making the top murderer of the twentieth century almost tripling the runner ups' body count. The ten sociopaths following their ideas of a Utopian Society and in doing that caused over one hundred million deaths and put over half the people in the world into a life of slavery to their dreams in the twentieth century. They by forcing their wills upon the nations they ruled with the same tools, techniques, methods of force, and commonality of goals cannot in my mind be called anything but self-centered, power driven, agents of evil. The names they called , or others called their particular method of governing were meaningless. To the people who suffered through their Totalitarian nightmare the label applied to the cause was meaningless. The only reality was suffering, slavery and death. More death than all the deaths caused by all men since the beginning of time. Not that there were not the same people killing their own to hold the power, wealth and fame before The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf were conceived of. Their lack of achievement was due to a lack of the technology to accomplish it. In light of this and taking a label one group calls another group so they can justify the abuse of humanity is missing the true nature of this evil presence in our world. Stalin and Hitler are examples of the old expression of the pot calling the kettle black. Both men belong to socialist parties, the Nazi party see note №7 of Hitler to gain the support of the people. But each men were the embodiment of evil and followed the same patterns of mass murders, concentration camps, ethnic cleansing, secret police mobile killing forces. Their actions can be summed up as no regard for human life in any decision they made. As Stalin is quoted “The death of one man is a tragedy; The death of a million is a statistic>”. So why would these two birds of a feather fight. I give the cynical reason of since they both used vast numbers of prisoners to clear mine fields and do first wave assaults I suggest in the story “Spy vs. Spy” it was a conspiracy to supply Germany with the US Arms and food Roosevelt was shipping to support Stalin in the war. But the truth may be the obvious and simplest one of all: Each one wanted what the other one wanted: Total domination of the World. The intrigues of Europe are beyond analysis of anyone without the ability to define evil in this world. Europe's constant wars with each other over who could get their hands on more money to support their rulers desire for even more money to pay the armies to get more money for bigger armies. — and the beat goes on. See Note 7
Number | Available Picture |
Direct and indirect | Number of Deaths | Description of some crimes |
№ 10 | ![]() | Ismail Enver Pasha | 2,500,000 | Ismail Enver Pasha was the leader of the Young Turk Revolution and became more powerful as he led the Ottoman Empire in World War I and the Balkan Wars. But despite his battlefield experience he was a very bad commander of the army and lost battle after battle still very bad at leading an army as he lost battle after battle. To compensate for the losses he killed over 1.5 million Armenians and enough people of other races to get a body count over 2,500,000. What a sweet guy. |
№ 9 | ![]() | Pol Pot | 2,500,000 | As communist leader of Cambodia, Pol Pot envisioned a country that would be equal by any means. So he in some form of insanity thought of sending city people to the farms and the farm people to the city. As expected, he did not get the results he wanted, so he then resorted to punishing people and depriving them of their right to education, medication, and nutrition. He even executed about 2.5 million who were not able to make is ideas a sucess. |
№ 8 | ![]() | Nikolai II Aleksandrovich | 3,000,000 | Anti-Semitic, idealistic, and very violent, “Bloody Nicholas,” as he was sometimes called, cost Russia 3 million lives. |
№ 7 | ![]() | Robert Mugabe | 3,100,000 | Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe had 20,000 civilians in one Provence executed when he did not receive one vote from there. During his time in office, over 3.1 million Zimbabweans lost their homes, jobs, and livelihood due to his “land reform program,” which amounted to bulldozing any village that voices dissent. |
№ 6 | ![]() | Vladimir Lenin | 5,000,000 | Vladimir Lenin has received more assassination attempts after he instituted the “Red Terror,” and the systematic elimination of millions of people including members of his own political party. |
№ 5 | ![]() |
Hideki Tojo | 5,000,000 | When he was assigned to be general in the Imperial Japanese Army, Hideki Tojo was not content with his position, so he also assumed the position of Prime Minister, Army Minister, Home Minister, Foreign Minister, Education Minister, and Commerce Minister…talk about a lot of responsibility. He also made ties with the Nazis hoping that he would rise to power alongside Hitler. Due to his relentless acts of attacking other Asian countries, he was directly responsible for the deaths of over 5 million individuals. |
№ 4 | ![]() | Leopold II of Belgium | 15,000,000 | As a colonial leader of Belgium, Leopold II was famous for essentially enslaving and killing nearly 15 million Congolese under the guise of his Congo Free State. Other European powers granted him the territory to improve the lives of its inhabitants. Instead, he used them for his own personal gain and committed some of the worst atrocities in history. |
№ 3 | ![]() | Adolf Hitler | 17,000,000 | Adolf Hitler does not need much of an introduction as he was famous for being the leader of the Nazis – a German party that was responsible for the deaths of over 17 million people including 6 million Jews. After leading the entire world into war as well as committing numerous war crimes, he certainly deserves a spot on this list. |
№ 2 | ![]() | Josef Stalin | 19,000,000 | Professor Golfo Alexopoulos because of hidden and lack of official records estimates that six million people died in the Gulag ,six million due to famine planned and due to poor planning, His forced labor camps, purges, wars. Genocide, Starvation by planned famine (Holodomor) |
№ 1 | ![]() | Mao Zedong | 62,500,000 | Famous for being one of the communist leaders of the Republic of China beginning around World War II, Mao Zedong was a ruler who thirsted for power. In his first five years, he killed about 49 to 76 million people by indiscriminately sentencing them to death. His policies also starved about 20 million, and on top of that, he had numerous enemies of the state executed. |