At home the server should dress in the proper clothes and footwear
for Mass. If albs are your liturgical uniform, remember what you
wear underneath an alb will show through. For this reason, the
server should be sure to avoid bold stripes and designs of any kind
which may show thru their alb. It is recommended that you wear
solid colors, but white would be the most appropriate choice of
shirts and blouses. Likewise pants, dresses and skirts should also be
of some solid color.
Dress shoes should be worn. Sneakers, no matter how expensive, are
for casual dress and sporting events and have no place at the Altar of
Our God. Servers must show respect for the Mass they attend at.
Here in the U.S.A., where money is available for proper shoes the
wearing of old, unpolished or tattered footwear is not tolerated.
When should a server genuflect? Whenever entering or leaving a
Catholic Church (usually when entering a pew) or crosses in front of
the tabernacle. “O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel
before the Lord our Maker!” and “At the name of Jesus, every knee
shall bend.”
Genuflecting to the tabernacle is required; bowing is not an option to
genuflecting. Latin Rite Catholics genuflect to Our Lord alone. In all
Catholic churches, once the consecration of the bread and wine take
place and the actual substance of the bread and wine (that which
makes bread and wine what it is) is transposed with the actual
substantial and real presence of Jesus the God-Man Jesus, thus
making it no longer bread and wine but just the appearance of bread
and wine. While the appearance of the bread and wine remain it is
actually the real and true Body and Blood of the Risen Lord, Jesus.
While His presence is truly present within the Sacred Scriptures and
whenever two or more are gathered in His Name, that presence is
subordinate to the actual and real presence in the consecrated
Eucharist and we owe our worship to Him.
Catholics never genuflect to the bible or to a group of people
meeting in the Name of Jesus be we do genuflect to the Person Jesus
present in the Eucharist.
All Catholics should be aware of whenever He is present on the altar
after the Consecration, during Eucharistic Adoration or is reserved in
the tabernacle everyone, servers included, should genuflect
whenever crossing in front of the tabernacle, or entering and leaving
the Church (usually as they enter a pew). Consult with your training
leader for more information.
Bowing of the head is done for a priest after presenting the wine and
water and after washing his hands, the altar or in some
circumstances a crucifix, never to the deacon. We bow to the altar
because it is the table of the Christ’s Saving Sacrifice as The Lamb
of God.
We bow to the priest because he offers the Body and Blood of Our
Savior to the Father in the Person of Jesus and therefore should
shown honor.
When the tabernacle is not centrally aligned to the altar, one should
bow to the altar when passing in front of it. If entering the sanctuary
in procession and all genuflect be sure to realize you are know you
are genuflecting to the Real Presence of Jesus in the tabernacle not
the altar you may be facing. I have noticed many people
genuflecting to the altar or crucifix when the tabernacle is removed
to a side altar - this is not appropriate and should never be done
know what you are doing homage to - God not wood, metal or stone.
Catholics as well as all our Christian brothers should only kneel and
genuflect to God.
When He is reserved in the tabernacle He is just as present as when
He is present in Heaven, on the Altar or in the monstrance. Servers
should make frequent visits to Him in the tabernacle and spend some
time with Him. This is especially helpful when done before Mass.
The church sanctuary light, hanging by the tabernacle, will indicate
when Jesus is reserved in the tabernacle. When it is not lit, the
tabernacle is empty as on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Usually it
is lighted at all other times since Jesus is reserved there. If this is
hard to understand, so is gravity so ask Him when you see Him.
Servers should remember that there is an exception to genuflecting.
Whenever they are carrying things like crosses, sacred vessels,
books, candles or other object you should not genuflect.
There are two prescribed methods of genuflection.
An exception to this requirement is when
you are carrying any liturgical object or book. There your job requires
you to carry that in a dignified manner and not endanger yourself or the
object by losing your balance.
Every action of the server has an effect on
the parishioners’ faith. What would someone think if they saw an altar
server genuflecting to a cross or statue? Would they think you a wood
worshiper? Or
would you just be written off as idiot?
The wine and wine cruets to be used at the
service must be rinsed with clean water before filling. The sacrarium
(piscina) is not to be used to dispose of the rinse water. Use a normal
sink for washing out the cruets.
Fill one cruet with wine from the altar
wine supply. This is usually a bottle with a label stating it is altar
wine and most probably 18% alcohol. It is not for drinking by altar
Fill the other cruet with cold fresh water from the tap or a water supply designated for this purpose.
Ask the priest or deacon how many hosts are required and place them in the number of ciboriums required.
Prepare the chalice as follows:
∙ Consult with either the priest or deacon as to the mass
colors or look in the ordo to determine the colors for
yourself. The information in the ordo will usually be
correct unless it is a special mass, e.g., a funeral
∙ Place the chalice on the preparation table with the
cross on the base of the chalice facing you.
∙ Open the Purificator and place it over the chalice so
the ends hang down to the left and right and the cross
on the Purificator is aligned with the cross on the
∙ Place the paten on top of the Purificator.
∙ Place a large host in the center of the paten with the
impressed cross (if on the host) aligned with the cross
on the base of the chalice.
∙ Cover the patent and large host with the pall.
∙ With a chalice veil of the proper color (see above)
cover the chalice as directed by local customs.
∙ Take a Burse of the appropriate color (see above) and
insert a clean corporal inside. If the Burse already
contains a corporal do not replace it with a new one.
Place the Burse on top of the chalice veil aligned with
the veil.
Place the prepared chalice, ciborium if required, filled cruets,
washing bowl, towels and any extra chalices required on the
credence table. Some parishes that have a procession may wish the
wine and ciborium or filled paten to be placed on a table at the
entrance of the church for use in the offertory procession.
At five minutes to mass time a server should light all appropriate
At least the two altar candles must be lighted.
∙ If candles are at sides of the tabernacle, one on each
side should be lighted.
∙ From the Easter Vigil Mass till Mass at Ascension
Thursday, the Paschal candle should be lighted also.
∙ The advent wreath is usually lighted during the Mass.
Be sure you know which candles in the wreath to
light. Ask the priest or deacon.
∙ After lighting the candles, extinguish the taper candle
lighter by pulling the taper into the lighter until it is
extinguished and then pushing it out again so that the
taper will not stick in the lighter.
If a small prayer book is used for the opening prayer, a server should
prepare the book containing the opening and closing prayers and
check with the priest or deacon to make sure that the place marker is
in the pages for the days Mass. Return the prayer book to its place.
If candles are used in an offertory procession, ask the priest or your
parents how many collections there will be and inform the other
Duties During Mass
The cross-bearers will lead the procession into and from the
sanctuary. After entering the sanctuary the cross-bearer will bow to
the tabernacle (altar if tabernacle is at a side altar) and then proceed
to place the cross in its stand, normally facing the priest as the
people can all see the central crucifix behind the altar. Never
genuflect when carrying anything, including the procession cross.
The candle-bearers follow the cross-bearer in procession and bow to
the tabernacle (altar, if tabernacle is at a side altar). Place the
procession candles on or as near to the altar steps as possible.
All servers will then proceed to their assigned locations genuflect
facing the tabernacle (from their assigned positions) with the priest
(and the deacon). If the tabernacle is on a side altar face the
tabernacle when genuflecting.
During the Glory to God in the Highest (Lord have mercy . . . during
lent), the appointed server may be required to pick up the small
sacramentary and wait for the priest to say, Let us pray. When the
priest says, Let us pray, server three will proceed directly in front of
the priest and open the book to the pre-marked position. Hold the
book open so the priest can read the prayer. Keep the pages flat,
your fingers out of the text and do not move about while the priest is
reading. When the priest is finished, close the sacramentary and
return it to its place. Sit down in your chair for the readings.
At the end of the second reading, during the Alleluia the candle
bearers, if used during the gospel reading, should get up and walk to
the procession candles on or near the altar steps. The servers should
genuflect to the tabernacle if behind the altar (or bow to the altar if
the tabernacle is on a side altar) and then pick up their candles.
They should stand facing the altar with their candles and wait for the
priest or deacon.
The candle bearers (if used during the gospel reading) should then
bow with the deacon or priest, do not genuflect with candles, and
then proceed to your stations in front of the pulpit or ambo when the
priest or deacon move to it. The other servers should stand at their
normal positions and stand as the people stand. The candle bearers
should stand at the gospel positions, facing the reader of the Gospel
for it is the Word of God. All servers should pay very close
attention to the words of the gospel and homily. The arm that is
holding the upper part of the candle should point toward the people.
Maintain these positions during the gospel and then return the
candles to altar step again when the Gospel is over, Genuflect to the
tabernacle, and return to your seats. Sit down and listen to the
All servers sit with the people during the collection.
If the candle-bearers are used in the procession of the gifts they
should, during the last collection, when the ushers are 3/4 of the way
down the middle aisle, stand up. Genuflect to the tabernacle. Walk
to procession candles. Genuflect to the tabernacle. Pick up your
candles and turn toward the people. Walk to the back of the church
and wait for the rest of the gift procession. When the ushers have
the procession ready, turn toward the altar and lead the gift
procession to the priest.
∙ The candle-bearers should walk slowly together
(starting on your left foot) toward the sanctuary.
When walking hold the candle underneath with your
inside hand and grasp the candle stick with your
outside hand, holding your elbow out toward the
people. If you are a very young server it may help to
loop your thumb of your inside hand in your cincture
to help hold up the candle.
∙ Never carry anything but your candle!
∙ When you reach the sanctuary, pass around the priest
and deacon and proceed to the front of the altar.
∙ Set down your candles and genuflect to the tabernacle
if it is behind the altar, bow to the altar if the
tabernacle is on a side altar. Move to your positions
at the credence table or assist the priest in accepting
the gifts if no other server is available..
The cross bearer and remaining optional server may stand when the
priest and deacon stand and follow them to the assigned positions.
Servers should wait at the left side, and behind, the priest. One
server should take the water and wine cruets from the priest and
place them on the credence table. If there is no deacon. Another
server should take anything else brought up in the procession and
place it on the credence table.
Remove the tops from the wine and water cruets and stand with toes
touching the altar step and hand the deacon or priest the wine or
water as he directs. Some parishes have the server pour the water
and wine instead of handing on the cruets in which case you will
pour until signaled to stop by the priest or deacon. Stand until the
deacon or priest is finished. If it is the priest who you hand to or
pour the water and wine, bow to the priest and then return to the
credence table and recap the wine cruet and place it on the credence
table. Remember not to bow to the deacon. We bow to the priest
because he acts in the person of Christ during the consecration of the
After the offering,
∙ With a single server - Unfold the wash towel and
place it over your less used arm. With your good arm
hold the water cruet. Pick up the washing bowel and
hold it with your towel arm. Approach the Altar
again and pour the water over the priest's hands,
collecting the water in the bowl. Let the priest take
the towel and when he has placed the towel back on
your arm bow to him and return to the credence table.
Neatly arrange the cruets, towel, and bowl on the
∙ With several servers - Servers should return to the
altar step and stand there with your toes touching the
step. When the priest comes to you, one server
holding the bowl and water should pours the water
over the priest's fingers, collecting the water in the
bowl until the priest indicates enough. The other
server will then hand the towel to the priest. When
the server has the towel back, both servers should
bow to the priest and return to the credence table.
Neatly arrange the cruets, towel, and bowl on the
∙ No one is to sit down at this time. All servers should
return to the altar and remain standing there until all
All servers return to there assigned positions and kneel after the
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Bell Ringing - The bell should be rung at the specific times during
the Mass as is the local custom in your parish. Typical times for
ringing the bell are:
∙ Once, when the priest makes the sign of the cross
over he gifts and calls on the Holy Spirit to come
upon the gifts.
∙ Once at the elevation of the Consecrated Host.
∙ Once at the elevation of the Consecrated Wine.
∙ Once when the priest drinks the Precious Blood of
Sometimes the bell(s) are rung three times in some parishes
in honor of the Trinity; bells rung three distinct times for the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. But this is up to the parish priest.
Because the elevation of the Body and Blood of Jesus are solemn
times, (the bread and wine we offered just before has now become
the real BODY and BLOOD of our God, Jesus Christ) we should
ring the bells reverently. At these times it is proper to look at the
elevated Jesus and say to yourself “My Lord and my God.”
following the example of Thomas the Apostle when he met the
Resurrected Jesus.
After Communion of Faithful - After the priest or deacon returns to
the altar the appointed server should remove the covers from the
water (and wine in some parishes) cruet(s) and carry them to the
altar for use in the purification of the Chalice, Ciboria, Ciborium,
and paten. Pour the water over the priest’s or deacon’s fingers as
directed and offer to pour the wine if used. If attending a priest, bow
to him when done and return to the credence table and cover the
Server should assist the deacon or priest in removing all objects
from the altar after the purification and prior to the Closing Prayer.
Closing Prayers - All sit until the priest says: "Let us pray." If a
server is assigned to hold the prayer book, the server will proceed
directly in front of the priest and open the prayer book to the proper
page, hold the book for the priest as with the opening prayer. When
the priest finishes, close the sacramentary and return it to its stand.
Exit Procession -When the priest kisses the altar, the candle bearers
should proceeded to the front of the altar, genuflect to the tabernacle,
pick up the candles, and return to their standard positions. Cross-bearer should pick up the processional cross.
When the priest and deacon genuflect, all servers not carrying
anything should genuflect also. Those carrying things should just
bow. All servers then turn and proceed quickly to their procession
positions. All processions are always in order of rank. Cross bearer
first, then candle bearers, other servers, lector, extra-ordinary
ministers, deacons, priests, bishops, cardinals, the pope.
Duties After Mass
Extinguish the candles by using the proper tool - the snuffer on the
end of the wick lighter. Do not smash the wicks. Do not blow out the
candles - you will get soot on altar and floor. If you use your fingers
like some older people do not complain about getting burnt.
Remove Chalice and Ciboria from the credence table and place them
on the preparation table or where directed.
Place used Purificator in the appropriate linen bag.
Return chalice veil to its storage place.
Place corporal and purse to their storage place.
Place chalice and gold paten in their place.
Place linen covered paten in its place.
Remove cruets from credence table. Pour any remaining wine back
into the wine bottle and pour any unused water in the washing sink
Rinse the cruets with clean water and place them on the drying rack
if available.
Remove bowl, towel, and dish from credence table. Dry bowl with
towel. Place towel in used linen bag. Place bowl and dish in storage
Remove your liturgical clothing and hang it neatly in its proper
Clean up any messes you made on the credence and preparation
Pick up the lectionary (book of readings) from the Sanctuary and
place it closed on the pulpit.
Remove all notes and papers from the sanctuary and pulpit and place
them where directed.
Ablution cup - covered dish of water on the side of the tabernacle
used by the priest, deacon or extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist
to wash their fingers after distributing Communion.
Ambo - The platform, lectern or pulpit from which the reading and
homily are given.
Burse - A square container for holding the corporal. It is selected for
the liturgical color of the day. Used Corporals should always be
placed in the proper container for sacred cloths after mass.
Cassock - A long tunic like garment which reaches from the neck to
the heels which is warn by some servers and clergy.
Chalice - A cup of precious metal that holds the wine which
becomes the Blood of Jesus after the consecration. All chalices
should be placed in their places after Mass. If the Chalices were left
unpurified by the priest or deacon for some reason they should be
left out on the presentation table for purification by the priest or
deacon. Never put an unpurified chalice away.
Chalice veil - A cloth covering used to hide the chalice and paten up
to the offertory and after Communion. It is selected by the liturgical
color for the service.
Ciborium - A large cup or container of precious metal with a cover
of the same material which will hold the Body of Jesus after the
consecration for distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful.
Communion Paten - A small saucer shaped plate of precious metal
with a handle, usually wooden, used by the altar server to protect the
Body of Jesus from falling to the ground if a minister or
communicant accidently drop a fragment of the Host.
Corporal - A white linen cloth, usually with a cross in the center,
used to protect any particles of the Precious Body and Blood of
Jesus from falling to the altar cloth. It is always folded and unfolded
as to protect any particles from being lost. The corporal is like the
body winding sheet used to hold the crucified body or Our Lord in
the tomb.
Credence Table - The table in the sanctuary where the cruets,
chalices and ciborium are kept before and after the Consecration.
IHS - the first three letters of Jesus’s Name in Greek and often used
to decorate the altar and other church facades.
Lunette - A thin, circular receptacle, having a glass face that holds
the Consecrated Host used for Adoration and Benediction. It slides
into the monstrance on a little track.
Lectionary - The book of reading used for the liturgy of the word. It
usually contains all the biblical reading used for the three year
Sunday cycle of reading and the two year daily Mass readings.
Monstrance - This is a large, ornate vessel used to hold the Blessed
Sacrament for Adoration, Benediction and solemn Eucharistic
Pall - A square piece of cardboard or plastic which is covered by
linen and used to cover the chalice.
Paten - A small saucer shaped plate of precious metal that holds the
Host. No layperson should ever touch the paten and servers should
be very careful when they have to handle it their official duties. (See
Communion Paten.)
Peplum - A cloth covering used to hide the chalice and paten up to
the offertory and after Communion. It is selected by the liturgical
color for the service.
Piscina - A sink with it drain going directly into the ground usually
fitted with a cover and lock which is used for the disposal of the
following: The sacred linen wash and rinse water, used holy water,
used baptismal water and blessed ashes. No other use is allowed.
Purificator - A linen cloth used by the priest or deacon to dry the
chalice after washing and purifying it. Used Purificators must
always be placed in the proper container for sacred cloths.
Pyx - A case, about the size of a pocket watch, in which
Communion is carried to those who are sick or unable to come to
Sacramentary - The book containing the prayers said by the priest
during the Mass.
Sacrarium - A sink with it drain going directly into the ground
usually fitted with a cover and lock which is used for the disposal of
the following: The sacred linen wash and rinse water, used holy
water, used baptismal water and blessed ashes. No other use is
Sepulcrum - The cavity on the altar in which the relic(s) of the
patron saints of that church or chapel are incased.
Stock - The metal containers used to hold the oil of the catechumen,
the oil of chrism and the oil for anointing the sick.
Stoup - The holy water fountains or bowels at the entrances of the
Surplice - A wide sleeved, linen worn over a cassock by clergy and
altar servers in some parishes.
Thaborstand - The ornate stand used to support the Monstrance
during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.