Engineering marvels done here Ever get a credit card number and need to check the numbers validity. Luhn Check Sum can do it for you,This simple form will allow you to tell when an order is placed by phone or internet it the number, not the account, is valid because it must comply to the Luhn number checking system.
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Validation of the Luhn Check Sum for any Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express credit cards. Our Perl program can also encrypt the number for safety in transferring the card from your secure eCommerce site to you by email and you avoid bank fees for doing this for you.

This program demonstrates how the Luhn validity of a credit card number. It will not tell if the credit card will be accepted by the bank but it will tell you it is a valid number by the Luhn check sum. This is useful on order forms helping a customer enter his card number correctly.

Try the numbers below or see if you are lucky at creating your own number to pass with a valid Luhn Check Sum. Demo Form is in PaleGoldenRod Table below!

Card Type Valid Test Number Invalid Test Number
VISA 4232 8753 6127 6550 or
4372 8721 7137 6431
4372 8721 7137 6421
4212 8953 6137 6450
Discover 6011 5783 6721 1256
6011 2271 5596 1361
6011 5783 6721 1255
6011 2271 5596 1361
Master Card 5213 4655 2197 4201
5743 2188 6422 1394
5213 4655 2197 4301
5743 2188 6422 1396
American Express 3715 783101 37654
3724 671538 27812
3715 793101 37654
3724 671538 27816

Credit Card Number:
Card Verification Code:
card cid example
Card's Expiration Month:
Expiration Year:






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