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When you are eating or drinking in a public place and spot Military Personnel or First Responders show your appreciation for what they are doing for you by having the manager or your server place some part of their tab on yours anonymously. All their tab if you are the lottery power ball winner
"It is not the people who vote that determine the winner of the election . It is the people who count the votes that determine the winner of the election" — Uncle Joe Stalin
  • The relaxed ways of the American Elite with sensitive material is possible for two reasons. First:, lack of punishment for serious intelligent breaches and deliberate actions when it involves the higher management in the nations law makers, state and justice departments but is so harshly applied by these same elites to the lowly mistakes mad by our military and civilian citizen’s. This could be in part caused by the inability of your lawmakers to ever pass a law with less than 100,000 pages because of the laziness of the elected and the knowledge of their employees that if the law is big enough their senator or congress managers will never read it and just sign on the line.
  • Part 1: PROCEDURE
    Purpose: Provided access to Top-Secret Documents in a safe controlled environment for those who must see them.
    1. In order to access a document of this type you must have the proper clearance credentials with you to enter a waiting room. The attendant sitting at the entrance will verify your credentials and escort you to a reading room.
    2. Upon entering the waiting room you must sit at the table and arrange all non human parts for inspection. Under garments may be kept on. Use the wall hooks as required to keep the table free and bare at all times.
    3. hand the attendant a list of which document you require and wait. While waiting you may notice the attendant taking your belongings from the room as he leaves. Also notice for your warning notice we have covered the floor in plastic wrap to cut down on maintenance costs occurred with a security breach of protocal.
    4. When the attendant returns he will have the documents you requester and set them on the right far corner of the table with a pair of protective gloves. and on th far left corner a call bell to announce you are ready to leave.
    5. they will be printed on a paper with a small amount of strontsium-90 that can be detected when anyone tries to leave the reading table with a page of the document. Also printed on each page is the same security code and every page must have the same security code printed on it, There will be no page numbers printed just the code and the total number of pages.
    6. Check that every page has the same code on it and that the page count agrees with the page count number. He will watch you do it and hand you the log book to sign for the documents and the correct amount of the ones delivered.
    7. When you are finished ring the bell for the attendant. He will enter with a portable incinerator. In your presence he will verify the proper security code on each page and the page count. The both of you will sign the log again verifying the transfer of a complete package.
    8. The attendant will then place the document(s) one page at a time into the incinerator with the two of you counting the pages aloud with the page number you are placing in the incinerator and the total number of pages e.g. page 37 of 173, page 38 of of 173 ... page 173 of 173 Done. You will then leave the room and pick up your belongings in the dressing room and after dressing leave the build
  • Part 2: PENALTIES
    Purpose: to insure that there is never a security breach through careless use of documents outside our secure radio, and sound proof controlled environment, on paper which can be located and followed with a minimum distance of five-hundred meters.
    1. If at any time in the reading room the attendant or an official asks to see the papers and you give them over for inspection you will be shot.
    2. If you are checking out and have somehow lost a page or the package delivered has changed the page code or even one page has a different code you will be shot. Are you getting the reason for plastic covering on the floor now?
    3. If the attendant has accepted the package back from you and signed the log as such and a page is missing or a code number difference in pages you will b e safe but the attendant will be shot
    4. If the attendant did not bring the right number of pages or the pages has different code number on them the last person who signed out that they received a complete package that person will be as they go into the incinerator and you Will

The time wasting novelties kept us from looking at what the public school system was turned into. The school system the founders said was to teach civics and reading. What we allowed it to be starting right after WWII was the buildup of the education system with with professionally trained mind twisting agents of socialism. Ever wonder why your kids think differently than you thought they did. You left them in a school that was designed from the bottom up to train the new socialist voter. They are being trained or indoctrinated at a much more sophisticated and intense level that you were as their parents. It had to be slow and unnoticeable but not it has come out and the idiots of socialism are being elected because thy are likable. No thought of who they are or are they capable of holding office. Remember now that feelings not thought or logic are more important. Compassion and empathy false or attempted to emanate are substitutes for actually doing anything, Telling people you want to help, not how you will accomplish it is enough to buy a vote. After all it make people feel good. You do not have to serve free liquor on election day to get votes you just have to promise to give them what they dream of. Even if you probably give (may be not) what you promise is not possible with any tax rats for the rich. You only have to say you will or your sorry you did and are excused in this new 1984.. A philosophy totally anti American and dangerous. A life style of amoral behavior, drug abuse, violence. The life totally different than I had when I was in 1958 high school. Most of you parents today are products of this slow process of changing America to a Socialist nation. What city run by this system does not give witness to the fruits of the socialist mindset. They are bankrupt shadows of their former glory unable to maintain public services required in a modern civilization. They use the working class taxes to provide protection for the few. Take away the guns we are told by our founding fathers are our right to provide our selves and families with protection in the urban badlands of tall monuments the socialists and West Coast Eugenicists erected to remove Fathers fro the families and accomplish what they had attempted before . Control of the Black and Mexican populations. flute's to split up families and . f na of loosing freedom, wealth, pricate preoperty and jobs. you have been indoctirnated with inside the publis school system since the 1950s feel free to use the button on the left and run away to what and continue no furtherif you feel this material would upset your mental equilibrium in any way there is a button on the left that will take you directly to the complaint department that handles people that feel they do not like something (sign of one method of mind control socialists use try to infuse into students under their training) rather that think they do not like something.

Thinking is totally different than feelings. Feelings are the release of chemcals into our body that are for the lowest forms of the body’s survival system that we still have from our pre-human relatives. They are survuval of the secies types of feelings tha tour intellect must be in control of to exist in the modern world. emotions are warnings to become attracted to, run from and not stand and fight. The latter is a control of an enotrion by a concious decision to arive at another conclusion than love or run. The are not the basis for building a plelosophy of living on as you have been allowed to think that they will bew upset by this website of rightusness and superiority press the button on the left to immedicately sent to the exact department linkIf you s for all your complaints about our web site. If you feel this is not the website tioy pro Constitutions as interpreted by the writings of the Founding Fathers who wrote it and governed by it as thirteen separate colonies formed the great nation we have today. So if you wish to inform us that we are this type of website you really do not have to as it was designed that way . Thank you for vi`siting and you can use the express button to leave if you want to get out before you are to upset with the truth we present here not agreeing with the socialist indoctrination you have been subjected to because our watchmen were asleep for the last fifty years you have the internet verify the facts. The dark side wants you to question everything. Open your minds to many reality in htis world. Some are true most are partially true and some like Socialis, and its real goal of Communisy or Social Democrets (short for Germans Nazi party or fascists) to be yours and not some Russian Agents place in the public school system in the mid 1950s ato change the fundimental thought process of the American Yoiu th, create a victim mentality in therm and prrepaie them for the Victory to come. Did you ever notice some of the class you are in is let be unruly. Well he will be the anacarkist leaders. If it is possible for any group to be true anarcists and follow anyone but themselves. What they do not realize is that in history they are the first to be eliminated after the great revolution is over since they are to big a threat to the next Mao or Unchle Joe to come along. Russia has been more open as its unholsomwe garbage phelosophy goes out making our children into what is a socialist or fascist zombie. Find out whose political ideals you are following. Make sure your thoughts and reasoning will maintain the Liberty and Freedom we all enjoy and not on what somew well trained Soviet agent has had all those years to make you thing you are a victim of that Liberty and Freedom. Hook to history to see where Evil was always driving the horrid events in every corner of the world. Colonialism, Manefest Destany policies and see the horror that it performed in another time still caused wars and hatred today. Mankind without the self imposed limits of morality and justice will revert back to the animals we evolved from allowing feelings to control actions and not thought. The public School system has removed the tow components whic it was chartered to teach. When generations of student hear nothing of morality or civics in the schools for enough generstions it is forgopttonbased on your and never someone who has an agenda oither thant that for what your ideas are the public school system being a Pro Second Amendment web site I cannot avoid the voice of Bill Casey so long ago when he said how the Church, the public schools, The Universities and the government were planned to be filled with the preachers, teachers and elected officials that would were planned to be take over so the next Uncle Joe or chairman Mao comes in and another twenty or sixty million persons find their new home in new facility "Challenger Deep Resort Hotel" number 6,874 in the "Hotel California’s" "America first" expansion 5 year plan. their slogan is not "We’ll keep the lights on" their slogan is "There is always room at the Hotel California, any time of the year. "

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