Where the Utopians central planing committee can generate 5 Year Plan that sets product on targets harder to hit than me make a consistent 0.1 Mil group at a thousand yards. >
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“ There are seasons in every country when noise and impudence pass current for worth; and in popular commotions especially, the clamors of interested and factious men are often mistaken for patriotism. ” — Alexander Hamilton
If Trump does not win thew next election I may have to be throwing gas bombs at the tanks deployed against those who want nothing to do with the totally unqworkable socialist system of economics or moral integrity as they must haved promased a few woppers of false promases to get elected by those lambs being led to the slauter by their vary own selfish reasons that the Utopian Candidates promised to provide free and paid for by every working stiff in the country. I bet because of the amount of money they need to fufliil therir promasies a pwerson working for th enew mijnimum wage qwill be in th e95% tasx bracken You are here because you foolishly vave your vote to be here are you just came aloong for the ride and never voted. We promised you a job. Here everyone who can work wil have a job. The brochure of history has m,any pictures of the jobs people get.

The singing goes on "Such a pretty place, such a pretty face. The sales pitch for Utopia and the hotel. Looking at the courtyard the traveler sees people dancing some to remember and some to forget. It paints a morbid picture of the Nazis concentration camps who had musicians playing while the people walked into the gas chambers. but then when inside the masters room people are stabbing the beast with knives but cannot kill it. The beast is a metaphor for the Socialist/Communist/Fascist leader they let get too powerful before they woke up to what they got themselves tangled up in. the traveler runs to the exit but is told the rules "You can check out but you can never leave." The borders are now sealed to keep the people in not to keep people out.


Crossfire Engineering does not care about PC rules and opinions: Crossfire Engineering would not give a grain of KuhFladden for any of it. We tell you this because you are warned about this site and yet you have come here and ignored the warnings about our attitude concerning PC. This is your problem and not ours so if you contact us we will probably insult you before ending the encounter. The first amendment, protected by the second amendment gives us the right to free speech and we exercise those right without a thought about your comments on them. We are the true liberals who allow you the freedom to say what you want but not in our face.

Waters can scream and yell about your rights to harass but the more you do it the less tolerant people become and all actions have consequences especially when the lives of any person is being threatened. seditionest and anarchistYou might think that a gang of anarchists can resist the lone citizen he might be thinking being judged by twelve is better that carried by six and when you start it it will not end till his magazine is empty. In for a penny - in for a dollar when defending yourself or your family. Are you ready to be the first hole-a-fied or just the seventh or eleventh or whatever the armed citizen might have at hand. You know your buddy's will pull back for a brief moment at the noise of the unexpected shot. You might be on some rich cats payroll to harass but is the money enough to die for.

A word of warning: when confronting a citizen exercising these rights be careful not to threaten them or their families with your harassment. The person might be an armed citizen. Threatening the life of any person or person's family ranks higher that the first amendment. a couple of bruises guarantees some will not go home that night.

But here are the DATA from the last century. The numbers are estimates avwerages with other numbers since the men in this short list of 20 or so Dispots are clever enough to hide much of what they do and eliminated any whitnesses that might br able to give better numbers. The list is not separated by Fachust and comunuists ass I cna see no distingushing factors except the spellin og their "ist" label.
Mirror, miror on the way can you the world who is the evilist of all the world?
Despot's Name Deths attributed to him Short summary of the chrime
Omar al-Bashir 400,000 This President of Sudan gave in to what the Sudan People’s Liberation Army was requesting and the agreement directly led to wars in Darfur that claimed the lives of about 400,000 people due to violence and starvation.
Idi Amin Dada 500,000 Idi Amin Dada ruled Uganda for only eight years from 1971 to 1979, he took full advantage of his time in command, putting his wrath on full display. Roughly half a million people lost their lives due to extrajudicial killings and genocide during this time.
Chiang Kai-shek 1,000,000 The White Terror of China’s initiative of purging the opposition country stability resulted in roughly 1 million deaths.
Yakubu Gowon 1,100,000 Obsession with the new found oil in Nigeria caused a war with Ojukwu of eastern Nigeria - 1 million civilians on the wrong side of a blockade caused by a war of secession in Nigeria and 100,000 soldiers who died in that war
Ho Chi Minh 1,100,000 The land reforms of this Chinese Ruler had over 100,000 people executed and placed about 1 million people in war camps experienceing famine and seclusion.
Mengistu Haile Mariam 1,500,000 This ruler of Ethiopia eliminated everyone in the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party opossing him. In addition he started a movement to kill thousands of “Kebeles”. In total he was responsable for about 1.5 million deaths.
Kim Il Sung 1,600,000 He ruled over North Korea with force, aggression and deception only a very sick mind could conceve of. He lost so much of the respect of the people he concocted a new story that the US deliberately spread an epidemic throughout the country and to give evidence to it he had 1,600,000 of his own people killed.
Kim Jong-Il 2,000,000 He had had nearly a quarter million people arrested during his rule and is directly responsible for the starvation and deaths of millions of North Koreans.
Kaiser Wilhelm II 2,000,000 Kaiser Wilhelm II as emperor of Germany was an inept commander and could not control the military caused the death of millions.
Saddam Hussein 2,000,000 Saddam Hussein as ruler of Iraq carries out mass genocide against the Kurds, Shabaks, Assyrians, Mandeans, and other ethnic groups who rebelled against his leadership. With his wars with Iran and Kuwait his body count rose to around 2 million.
Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan 2,000,000 General Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan was very active during the Second World War and became the third President of Pakistan. As expected, he instituted martial law and ruthlessly led a war against Eastern Pakistan. His policies left millions dead.
Ismail Enver Pasha 2,500,000 Ismail Enver Pasha was the leader of the Young Turk Revolution and became more powerful as he led the Ottoman Empire in World War I and the Balkan Wars. But despite his battlefield experience he was a very bad commander of the army and lost battle after battlestill very bad at leading an army as he lost battle after battle. To compensate for the losses he killed over 1.5 million Armenians and enough people of other races to get a bodycount over 2,500,000.
Pol Pot 2,500,000 As communist leader of Cambodia, Pol Pot envisioned a country that would be equal by any means. So he thought of sending city people to the farms and the farm people to the city. As expected, he did not get the results he wanted, so he then resorted to punishing people and depriving them of their right to education, medication, and nutrition. He even executed about 2.5 million who were not following his ideals.
Nikolai II Aleksandrovich 3,000,000 Anti-Semitic, idealistic, and very violent, “Bloody Nicholas,” as he was sometimes called, cost Russia 3 million lives.
Robert Mugabe 3,100,000 Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe had 20,000 civilians in one provance executed when he did not reeive one vote tfrom there. During his time in office, over 3.1 million Zimbabweans lost their homes, jobs, and livelihood due to his “land reform program,” which amounted to bulldozing any village that voices dissent.
Vladimir Lenin 5,000,000 Vladimir Lenin has received more assassination attempts after he instituted the “Red Terror,” and the systematic elimination of millions of people including members of his own political party.
Hideki Tojo 5,000,000 When he was assigned to be general in the Imperial Japanese Army, Hideki Tojo was not content with his position, so he also assumed the position of Prime Minister, Army Minister, Home Minister, Foreign Minister, Education Minister, and Commerce Minister…talk about a lot of responsibility. He also made ties with the Nazis hoping that he would rise to power alongside Hitler. Due to his relentless acts of attacking other Asian countries, he was directly responsible for the deaths of over 5 million individuals.
Mao Zedong 62,500,000 Famous for being one of the communist leaders of the Republic of China beginning around World War II, Mao Zedong was a ruler who thirsted for power. In his first five years, he killed about 49 to 76 million people by indiscriminately sentencing them to death. His policies also starved about 20 million, and on top of that, he had numerous enemies of the state executed.
King Leopold II of Belgium 15,000,000 As a colonial leader of Belgium, Leopold II was famous for essentially enslaving and killing nearly 15 million Congolese under the guise of his Congo Free State. Other European powers granted him the territory to improve the lives of its inhabitants. Instead, he used them for his own personal gain and committed some of the worst atrocities in history.
Adolf Hitler 17,000,000 Adolf Hitler does not need much of an introduction as he was famous for being the leader of the Nazis – a German party that was responsible for the deaths of over 17 million people including 6 million Jews. After leading the entire world into war as well as committing numerous war crimes, he certainly deserves a spot on this list.
Josef Stalin 23,000,000 His forced labor camps, purges, wars. Geneside, Starvation by planned famon

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