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It was late 1980 and I has an On Line and Mail Order Beer and Wine Making Supply Business to suppliment my Gun Smithing Service in Connecticut. One day a Suit shows up at the door and presents me with a Federal Badge for the BTAF and says he would like to talk to me. I said come on in to be courtious at the start as he looked like he was comming in anyway. The first thing he said to me was he was there because of my advertisement in the Squirrel Hunter Magazine. I said that was my best add I get orders from all over the country and the ad cost something like a couple of bucks every two months and that included a copy of the magazine. There is nothing wrong with the add I am selling small batch kits to make 5 gallons of beer or wine that is really good stuff. Want to see the shop? He said he had my new FFLrenewal in his pocket and he wanted to see my sales shop.

Why was I not working they asked back in the home office? A rather legitimate question since we flew 7 hours to get there to work. But the answer is as legitimate. We were in the middle of the United Kingdom’s great socialist experiment. It resulted in the factory I was assigned to could not be except by extraordinary means and I was not pleased with management. They promised me a car while I was over there yet for some reason the the people supplying the car should have known they should have had it before I arrived but did not really care to do it. This not careing was a clue to everything that seemed to hold things up No car no extraordinary effort on my part to walk the twelve miles to work. With me a deal is a deal and I had enough sick time to wait this out I was on salary and was where they wanted me so they can pick me up when they care to.

But when another member of my Control Systems Group with a rental car on a two or three day boondoggle to Oxford they would always pick me up. And I will tell you it was good to talk to an American. They were also the smugglers of the twentieth century delivering items we could not afford in Oxford even at double my American salary. They would bring simple American things like a packs of Bugler rolling tobacco and papers was $0.15 to me and this was a perfect example how a socialist bureaucrat is managing your health proactively by taxing you to starvation. I thought of getting the Buglers when I decided to roll my cigarettes in a similar manner as to not look to much like a rich American. This rolling of a cigarette in the factory was a change for me as the technique was to get three or four to five packs of cigarettes out of what was a one pack measure of tobacco. Cutting the cost of a quick smoke by 80%. To make the machines even more necessary they would put at least a half of the length of the paper with a side of a filter ripped off to use for the ones they rolled as filtered filtered cigarettes. With the Government taxing the tobacco at several bucks or something as ridiculous and say it is for their health.

The Suits always get even for making them look bad. Not getting me the car I was promised for almost 3 months and a week really made me uncomfortable and angry and as I said no car no work and I refused to turn in my return tickets to the US. I was not sure if I was staying without the car. They finally got me the car. The also got me by giving me a four door somthing with an engine smaller that my motorcycle back home. But what ever it was it was a car and an engin can be tuned a little and we were mobile in a socialist turist trap country. Gas was so expensive they sold it by the liter, I believe because of the fuel tax as not many people had cars to pay for the nice roads they had. The taxes prevented the people from driving so the taxes had to be higher to pay for the building and upkeep of the roads. When I went toa TV store to buy a used TV I had to pay a TV tax to support the BBC which seemed to be partial to the gameshows at night. They were the same shows as in the US but instead of a a grand or two prize at the end of some contest in BBC World it was 10 to 20 Pounds

I decided to buy a car but that was impossible as without parts the factories had to close and let the people go. The sales person and I talked for an hour or two about America and the UK. With a nightly diet of Kojack and Police Woman he thought we all liven in finely furnished apparetments and carried guns. I asked him about how they were getting along after we gave them their independance twice and it looked like the socialist unions were dragging them back into the dark ages by dhutting the whole nation down. The guns in the USA werer owned by many people. I showed him my CCP and told him some people carry open but I agree with John Paul Jones that “He that supprises best wins.” and our Founding Fathers all agreed that did we all have them. I showed him my concieled Carry permit and told him I did and in the whole time I had the permit no one ever saw my Colt 45 auto45 acp was when I was hunting except once when I droped something in Sears and when I bent over it fell out of my sholder holster. what did everybody do when that happened. I said nothing. Some people do open carry mut most do not as it is far better to supprise someone that to let ther see yoiu reThe potato crop failed and the price of potatoes were priced higher than they are in the stores today almost 40 years later.It was the middle of the Cod War between England and Iceland fishermen. It all was totally correcting my thoughts on socialism. While, to my logic driven engineering brain, the Socialists were snake oil peddlers selling a double slice of PIE IN THE SKY from the trunk of a 1938 Studebaker (use the car name because I owned one, not to mock Clement or his cars but to indicate my total disregard for the dangers of Socialism before I accepted my assignment in England. I never dreamed that an educated people would ever vote for a candidate or a group of them that thinks they have a right to steal our money and redistribute it to a person or group of persons the do not work simply because they do not want to work. That is the thoughts of a very fat cat spoiled by years of making more millions of dollars that the stars in heaven and having no regard for the plight of the poor who are used every years as pawns in the political game. Some of the same people who sent me here to do a job and take three months to get me a car causing me with great pleasure to take three months off other than the one or two day a week I could get a ride from someone. The accountant who actually thought he was in charge of something told me I did my expense report wrong and I must do it over. I said it looks OK to me so he better do it the way he likes because I will not. And it better add up to the amount on my report or I will not sign it. I told him he had better do it quickly before anything else actually come in for him to do. He told me not having a car was no excuse for not comming to work. I said you are right but breech of agreed to contract is so I am on strike and the shop has agreed to go out in support. How does that dsettle on your accounting brain. I do not work for him and since I am getting a car and you are not check who works for who before you make demands on my time. He told me I should walk to work and I said I would do that the second he is able to get the hard wooden office chair out of where you will have to put it to avoind loosing this job you seen to have some liking of. I told him I would think about getting to work after he has completed my expense report and approved it for the amount on the origional submittal and turns over the money due me. He then suggested I walk to work like he does and I did walk — walk right out of his office. He seamed to be out of the same mold as the expense report auditor back at the ranch who never liked any of my reports but always had to accept them because I was traveling at unexpected times and to unknown locations to to tell me there was a cheaper restaurant or motel I should have used was ludicres. He and I fought every time I handed in an expense report especially when I was told at 3PM I had to catch the 3:35 PM plain at gate six just accross the street.

So with both my assumptions crushed by the facts around me every day I reset my compass to socialism was dangerous and often hurt the good people more that any business. But that was just the beginning and we will get to all of it in the next 100 or so pages of my final book and website. But after a while and finding a common thread between us all things were about the same as the unions were in the US with me. I was even allowed to be trained on a bridgeport in the tool room. For sure everyone knew I was making car parts for my test facility and it did not hurt to have a machine shop where they would work when I had a trickey jbb we all knew I what not good enough to handle. The common thread was the making of beer and wine. Thjey were supprised that I did that kind of stuff and when they heard I had a small vinyard in the back yard and it was all wild grampes I cut in the forrestrs and fence line of Connecticut they were interested in learning how they could do it. And they showed me the ways to make wine from the pealings of carrots, potatoes, apples and everything else you could avoid eating and make wine from. My friend Dave was our maintenance engineer and carpenter and his wife Daphne was our receptionest and secretary were my office was nad we would get together somedtimes and Dave made the best Potato Skin Wine. It was fo good I thought I was drinking Russian Vodka. Not the rel stuff but what I thought the best would taste like. I should not say that but Russianans usually are not lurking around to hear me. Daves was as smooth as silk and much more warming. It was probably the best tasting wine I had in in England. one of the best tasting wines of the lot. There were wines of all types of scrap food but I stuck to the carrot skin and potato skin wines. There was lots of homemade wine to drink at our home parties.It was the time of the Cod Wars and Iceland was knocking off the English Destroyers by the fleet load. The would pass by a destroyer and with music playing and crews with wine bottles singing. The Icelanders would then wave and pull up close to the destroyer and when the sea was rolling right the fishing boat would rock and stove in roll into the paper thin side of the destroyer and stove in the destroyers side requiring it to return to port for repairs

When they were in town somebody with a car would pick me up to interview a few engineers but that was it. They promised me a car but they could not find one to lease caused by a great shortage in cars due to constant strikes in the auto industry which rippled down to repair shops and auto supply stores that could not get simple things like ignition points and capacitors to batteries to light bulbs due to union sympathy shutdowns for the original striking union. So I did get some Magnificat brass rubbings and the opportunity to see a beautiful town. I decided to buy a car but that was impossible as without parts the factories had to close and let the people go. It was the middle of the Cod War between England and Iceland fishermen. to totally correct my thoughts on socialism. While, to my logic driven engineering brain, the Socialists were snake oil peddlers selling a double slice of PIE IN THE SKY from the trunk of a 1938 Studebaker (use the car name because I owned one, not to embarrass Clement or his cars but to indicate my total disregard for the dangers of Socialism before I accepted my assignment in England. I never dreamed that an educated people would ever vote for a candidate or a group of them that thinks they have a right to steal our money and redistribute it to a person or group of persons the do not work simply because they do not want to work. “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” — James Madison POTUS and Founding Father and one of the Federalists. President Madison also states there is no place in our Constitution where it authorizes any charitable donations of our money. How come the people we elect do not know Our Constitution? Or John goes further “Each individual of the society has a right to be protected by it in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property, according to standing laws. He is obliged, consequently, to contribute his share to the expense of this protection; and to his personal service, or an equivalent, when necessary. But no part of the property of any individual can, with justice, be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people. In fine, the people of this commonwealth are not controllable by any other laws than those to which their constitutional representative body have given their consent.” — John Adams — Thoughts on Government 1776 and directly point to our mistake in giving them a wink and a nod bu electing someone who would use our taxes to buy their reelection with the pork and welfare money they use to buy and intimidate the poor with. They have proven their insincerity by never accomplishing a thing but to grow their power and the height of their mattresses.

It is interesting that it is a requirement that we have to teach each child in the language of their country of origin and not realize they came here to be American. Could this be more of the California Eugenics group wanting to keep them out of American Society and create another fringe group to vote for the Democratic Socialist candidate. Why is it so important to provide a sheltered haven for the child here because where they came from was so intolerable because of the socialist or fascist government running the their birth country. Why do we teach in their parents language they ran from to improve their life. Is that misdirected compassion or a dark plan to change our culture on foreign child at a time and now have to teach in many foreign languages so a child can retain their cultural heritage and not learn English to get a job here in our culture. Does the idea of the culture where our soon to be citizens is more important than their success in life by melding into the American Culture they have chosen to come over to.

The modern Sirens know how to destroy mankind with our tendency to want to acquire money and power without any a job for everyone effort on their part. It does not seem to fit into the socialist system after the country finally becomes the Utopian society of that fell for their enchanting song: “Just try it and you will never want for anything.” And “Everything will be free when the rich are paying their fair share.” So you try it and you like it so you do not mind loosing a little freedom or Liberty at the start. But the Ponzi part requires more and more money and when you are making $1.87 and become the rich because you have a job you might wish in vain that you had not given them up so easily and cheaply. But you will be constantly loosing until your body is all you have left for organ transplant to some commissar who needs a new something for his/hers. Fact: There is always loose rs in a Big Ponzi scheme and you find yourself in a collapsing Ponzi Scheme at the top of the list of those “Unworthy of Life.” A cute euphemism of the Nazi Eugenicists working with the San Francisco Eugenicists to research and design the gas chambers that could kill most effectively (see note 10 & 11 as each group had those they did not want upsetting the racial balance. California wanted to suppress the Black and Mexican population and Germany wanted it applied to the Jews, Gypsies and mentally handicapped. When the fresh money into the fresh money dries up you will see friendly Bernard meant when he said a job for everyone when you are convicted of a crime against the people and sent off to a Gulag in a forced labor group you can stay alive as long as you load your 16 tons and find out what you get is another day older and cold air to breath. Did you realize yet that the Socialist version of the Ponzi Scheme only works is if every one has a job. “To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” — George Mason, Anti-Federalist

Pray to El Shaddai Sabaoth that he will rescue the remnents of our family after our forty years in Babalon are oversurvivors of the 2020 Socialist/Communist take over of our country because we your people each a watchman to by Ezekiel to stay awake and watch were two busy. We have failed in the only job you gave us but we were to busy. We had a chance to see what was going on in the public Schools butwe were too busy. I knodw that too busy is not an acceptable reply and we all will suffer for it. What I pray for today is to take us out of the biggest mistake we ever made and remove the survivor after the forty years of enslavement by the totolitariaan despots that will soon rule over us. You are our savior have mercy on us. Your Mercy is our only hope now for us fools. Stur up watchman and watchwoman. Exekiel we would be guilty for what is about to happen and if we just warn the people we will not bwe a contributer to the suffering the endure as we let those we elected to slowly destroy every thig good in the courepublic.watrchanon us fools is always our only hope.

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